2006 rings in sort of darkly wet and ghost-townish, which is fine by me because it fully justifies holing up and getting writing done. I was supposed to go to Long Beach to see the choucroute today, but instead I schlepped around in the rain doing errands and will go down to LB when it stops raining. I went to Rue de
esorlehcar to feed the cats, only to discover upon breaking and entering that
whatssnoo is probably already home. I fed the cats anyhow, just in case I'd misinterpreted the signs.
Now I'm home, and returning to my regularly scheduled 3-ships story already in progress. But first!
I wrote
[La Remuda], All the Pretty Horses, John Grady/Lacey, for
zarahemla. It turns out that bucking wild Mexican broncos are really very sexy. It seems to be a small and rather obscure fandom, but my recipient also seemed to like her story, which makes me pleased as punch. This really is the year of the gay cowboy, dude.
ETA: archived! La Remuda, by Sabine. Thanks to the intrepid betas
runpunkrun and
wearemany, and doubleplus thanks to
tangleofthorns who taught me everything I know about John Grady Cole of the Texas Coles.
sanj wrote
[Even Later], Into the Woods, for me as a pinch-hit, and I am just so full of love for her, and
elynross and everyone else who pitched in and made sure everybody got a present -- a GREAT present -- this holiday season. Sandy, if you're out there -- thank you so much!