During World War II, Nazi scientists created the Death Corps, practically indestructible soldiers made from dead soldiers and psychotic killers that could survive anywhere. Even under water. Once the war ended, the Death Corps were no longer needed so they disappeared into the sea. Many years later, a group of tourists become shipwrecked on an island near to where the Death Corps disappeared.
Nazi zombies. What could possibly go wrong? Quite a lot, actually. It might help if the zombies were scary for a start. The zombie makeup wasn't too impressive. The soldiers didn't look like they were dead, they just looked a bit unwell.
Peter Cushing played a former SS Officer that was the only inhabitant on the island. He wasn't in the movie nearly enough. He just appears, explains to the zombie fodder what is going on and is promptly dispatched by his own creations.
I don't see why this movie had an 18 rating. There was no gore, nudity, or even any bad language. The music was terrible as well. I'm talking so bad that excessive exposure will make your ears bleed.
There is also no tension to the movie. It all begins with fishermen picking up a woman found drifting in a boat. She then flashes back to what happened previously. You already know who's going to die, so there's no point rooting for anybody or forming an emotional attachment to any of the characters.
The DVD that I watched claimed to be digitally remastered. My ass! The picture quality was terrible. A total waste of time.
One pointy hat. Probably the worst zombie movie I have seen so far.