Deadpool in SPAAAAACE!!
Deadpool #32-35. Written by Daniel Way and illustrated by Carlo Barberi, Seldon Vella and Bong Dazo.
After bumping off some guy named Macho Gomez, the galaxy's top assassin apparently, Deadpool heads into space to increase his intergalactic reputation. His first job is to kill Id the Selfish Moon. No, really. He has to kill a moon. Yeah.
I don't really know what to make of this one. Deadpool kills a moon. A moon! That should be the most awesome thing ever, but I felt it kind of fell flat. There was some atrocious art as well. Issue 32 hurt my eyes.
Deadpool's plan to destroy Id the Selfish Moon (drill into one of the fault lines on Id's surface and stick a nuke in there) is totally original and absolutely nothing like any Michael Bay movie about a giant asteroid.
Also, what is Id's deal. id grew fed up of living in Ego the Living Planet's shadow and wanted to party. Ego wouldn't have any of it, wanting to live in solitude. Id struck out on his own and started combing the universe destroying planets and snorting their remains. Oh, Jesus. I wish I was making this up but I'm not.
Not one of the best Deadpool stories. Only worth reading if absolutely have to read absolutely every Deadpool story.
Next time: Deadpool Vol 9- Institutionalized. Deadpool gets locked up in a prison for insane criminals. It goes about as well as you'd expect.