agreed.. we are trained so early to believe that the cog in a machine is the only way to live. I'm starting to get so fed up with the facade.. all of it, a farce to do as we are told and never question it, because [as you said] our fictional heroes do the questionnig for us, even though the same corrupt system lie right before us. We glorify state sanctioned violence and look upon individual acts of violence with repugnance in the real world... while in fantasy land we do the oposite. I am going to make it my goal to make other see that no matter what way you look at it a troop is still a trained killer and people's taxes feed death. To call this country a christian nation is such a contradiction... like beating a person to death with a bible for saying what they believe is different. Perhaps it lies in the hands of those who see through the bullshit to make change.. I dunno.
Oh and by the way, I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but there is a certain strength in this head here... a viscious rage almost. the only difference between me and most people is that I choose to remain humble until a time that I truly and honestly believe that it is needed to unleash it. I'd rather not waste it on inane situations that can easily be avoided, lest I become too jaded to care anymore.
I need to hunt down an article by Eric S Raymond you should read, called "The Myth of Man the Killer". It does an admirable jpb of making the argument that our greatest flaw as a species isn't violence, but obedience that allows violence on massive levels.
See I don't have any real problem with it... I don't value human life enough to give a shit when someone I'm not close to dies. Just don't lie to yourself about it. I guess my problem is the two-faced nature the mass has.
Oh and by the way, I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but there is a certain strength in this head here... a viscious rage almost. the only difference between me and most people is that I choose to remain humble until a time that I truly and honestly believe that it is needed to unleash it. I'd rather not waste it on inane situations that can easily be avoided, lest I become too jaded to care anymore.
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