(no subject)

Jun 17, 2005 17:19

If you're not currently on my Friends List1 but you want to be, please leave a comment. If you think you know me from somewhere, please elaborate. Did we go to school together, work together, meet at a convention? Are you a friend of someone I know offline or on?

1 "Friends List" is such a politically charged word. I wish LJ would allow for different names to be used (such as "Subscribed to", or the like) as too much Dramah can erupt when someone is 'defriended'. A 'Defriending' for me means removing journals of people who never/rarely post, people who I 'Friended' who I actually don't know all that well, distancing myself for a bit from people who I used to know well, or Just Because. It's my journal, after all, and I do get whimsies. :)

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