Feb 17, 2006 12:08
I am in the library. It's Friday. Ben is gone for 3 or 4 days. At some party thingy...I'm not sure what it is exactly...or where it is...All I know is that I won't be able to hang out with him, or talk to him for the next like 4 days. Which will suck! It's suppose to get super cold today/tonight. It already is. I had to have mom drive me to school today. Hmm..I want warm weather to come really soon!!! That way I can walk home again, and not have to be annoyed with the people on the bus, and then I can wear "Hoochie Tops" again. Yay. But sadly no, it's still cold. Which sucks. That means no "Hoochie Tops" quite yet. =( . I need to get a transcript from the main office. I think I am going to call mom after school and ask her if she can come and pick me up...then while I am waiting for her to get me I can go to the office and get a copy of my transtript so I can see which classes I still need a credit in. Ahh. I am bored. Okay...off to surch other site now.