
Feb 05, 2005 00:52

I am bored, so I thought that I would update this journal seeing as I haven’t for a few days. Okay well I am trying to start writing at both my journals (this one and the one I have at Greatest Journal) I am thinking that I want one to be for my stories, and the other one for me to write stuff (like personal things that happen to me). But I haven’t decided which one I will use for what yet.                                                                                                                            
I have started writing a little more on my Harry/Draco, but I cant remember where I put it. So I need to find that, then I need to write more on all my stories (I think that is what I will do once I get done online) Because I am starting to get bored online, and I have nothing else to do, and I am not that sleepy (Other wise I would go to sleep). My dad finished burning the CD that I asked him to burn for me, with a bunch of songs from other CD’s that I like. I am listening to it right now!                                                                                                                
Last week at school was finals. I hope I did good. I think I might have just barley passed bio, and I know I passed math. Sadly I did not pass English, and I have an incomplete in Global Studies, because I haven’t finished revising my essay. I started to then I lost the essay in my locker, but its all good now, because I found it again, so I need to do that so that she can change the incomplete to an actual grade (my guess is a “D”). Also I am now in Beginning Strings at school (I am going to start playing the Violin) I am pretty good at it for a beginner. (At least compared to the other boy who is trying to play it too). But I did start messing up near the end of the class, and the girl who was helping me could see that it was bugging me, so she had me stop, before a long line of cuss words came flying out of my mouth.                               
I like my 8th period. I get to TA for Ms. Kinner. She told me yesterday that I don’t even have to show up, unless I need something from her, and I can just go home early. I didn’t go to school today, but when the School Attendance Office called my house it said I went to 1st and 8th period. (so my first class and last class) but I didn’t go to any. So that proves that the Attendance Office is messed up, and doesn’t actually work. It has done that before (to one of my friends) called her house & said she wasn’t in class when she was.                                         
I went to a meeting thing at Portland Community College, with people who can help me get a job, they will make my resume all pretty, and good, but I got an e-mail today from the lady, because I need a few more things on my resume, before they can give it to anyone.                    
I am getting bored, and running out of things to say. Jennifer is babbling on about something from her book that she’s reading, She thinks that I am listening to her, but really I have no clue what the heck she just said, for all I know she could have just insulted me and I wouldn’t have heard it. Okay finally she stopped talking, about her book. I hate it when she talks about her books, all I hear is “Blah, blah, blah...” and mostly the whole time I am thinking about what I want to eat. Okay well my fingers are cold from typing all of this, so I am going to end it here, and go write on one of my stories. I’ll write more later.

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