Oct 21, 2006 15:59
-took the greyhound to houston
-stopped in schulemburg(?), and got a dr pepper that had sugar in it, instead of corn syrup, or whatever they put in it.
-got to houston
-bought 2 poems from this guy that my friend said was prolly in the black panthers. he needed money to eat, so i gave him 5 usd.
-craig picked me up.
-went and got some wine for a party that was happening later.
-my mom called me and said how i can leave san antonio, but she is leaning towards me staying in houston..i am trying to go to virginia...we'll see what will happen.
-got some pizza downtown with craig and leah...i cant spell the name of the place, but it was good.
-went to that party.
-got too drunk(1.5 liters of wine in a 2 hours)
-talked to a bunch of people i don't normal get to talk to.
-leah and craig told me and nathan how they are getting married.
-craig threw up.
-i tried to, but couldnt.
-we shared one friendship throwup.
-i passed out/blacked out, while sitting on the curb, next to craig's throw up.
-woke up in craig's car on 45.
-took leah home
-somehow made it back to craigs.
-passed out in my clothes, next to craig in his boxers..or whatever it with my clothes on.
..it was a very fun night. minus the almost dying in the car.