(no subject)

Jun 04, 2003 12:30

dramadramadrama everywhere...it must be the season for it all..
jess you are queen of drama, i bow to theee
and you yes you you know that wasn't the last time you will mention it, and I still dont believe you're not mad..actions speak louder than words.

woke up yesterday seriously pissed off that I had agreed to go to work at 12, and then not gotten to sleep until around 6 or sixthirty..way to suck at life annmarie..went to work, did stuff, came home and before I even laid down I passed the fuck out..
decided this morning that going to school this summer was a bad idea..I'm getting a lot of hours at work, and my mom pointed out to me that last time I did that I fucked up and got seriously burnt out..so i will just be working..unles I decide to go get history out of the way during summer II..

my brother, matt has been having a shitty week..everyone make sure you're extra super nice to the kid because our parents want to kill him & his car sucks & he has no cell phone....
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