
Sep 05, 2008 15:08

Sooo I completely ripped apart my head phones today... I guess the got caught on something and POP... half of it I can't even find. *le sigh* they were a good pair. Off to meijer I go...

Today's mission if I choose to accept it... and I do. Is to look around some stores to see if Jazz's gift is actually possible. It will be a sweet gift if it is. I really hope she likes it too. I feel like it could go both ways, well a few ways.

One. It could just not be possible and then I am forced to look for something else. BUMMER.
Two. I could find what I am looking for and it works out, things are awesome, she loves it. Everybody is happy.
Three. I find the ingredients but when I put it together and it looks like crap and then either:
Three A. I give it to her and she pretends to like it but really thinks it is lame.
Three B. I just throw it a way and waste kinda a lot of money...
I feel like One or Two are the most likey but Three makes me nervous.

Anywhooooo. That is what I will be doing. And MAYBE:
Finding a Lanyard (sp.?)
Going to see Hamlet 2.
Oh the possiblities.

Also have to call my mother to tell her she can take out the money for my bills, and that she should do that before I spend it all. WHICH I WILL DO!

We all know that.

It is what I do...

Ummmmmmm... Well that is basically it.

Hung out with Adam and Ashley yesterday. Loved the cats as much as I could.

Got an e-mail from a certain professor I have been WAITING for practically all my life. Awesome.

Yeah that is it...

MAN... work could not be going any slower. I have a half and hour left and I want to... diiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee.....


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