man, what a draining friday night, but i'm always here for you kayla

Jul 24, 2004 01:33

what a draining friday night... but i'm always here for you kayla

a lot has happeend tonight
although i never really "write" anything, i felt this was the only way i knew to handle the info that i have learned of tonight
and kayla, you can make it through anything, kyle is NOTHING, just remember that

clouded vision stands in her way of seeing how he is
but only if she knew that sight she no longer had was because of him
from his fingers that crawled toward her battered body like spiders
His eyes that scorched her soul like dragons fire
As she dripped red, she still couldn't see it
But she promised not to tell
she wasnt sure why she kept this promise
but she knew that she trusted him
and loved him
so that was enough
But time has passed
and she started to wonder why she had let this go on
hiding her anger, frustration, and loneliness inside.
So now it is out
she has found the truth
decided to share
and like a warrior
she stands tall and gives forth
the cry of the battle
and she will not lose to him or herself
And as she closes her eyes
She sees the images again
Pressed to her soul
Bound with the tears of her grief
Grief's ravages upon her face
And her loneliness torments her
Yet she still closes her eyes
In desperate hope
And deep longingTo really finally be free.
free from him
and that is what has happened
she is finally free
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