May 18, 2005 15:32
therefore. i shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrowwhen franklin roosevelt assumed his post as commander in chief, he wasted no time in implementing his plans to clean up the social and economic burdens that overwhelmed herbert hoover.
one of his first acts was to shut down the nations financial institutions so everyone could catch their breath. shortly thereafter he announced the 'new deal.'
americas economy was about to rebound and the financial despair of millions of americans would soon pass into history.
in 1941 congress passed the lend-lease act allowing roosevelt to provide the aid and war machine materials to to his friends and allies in the european theatre. he desperately wanted to do more, but given the state of the union, exceeding the parameters of the lend-lease act would have been political suicide.
in the pacific theatre though there wasn't a whole lot he could do to stem the genocidal onslaught of the imperial japanese around the pacific rim. in december of that same year the japanese gave roosevelt what he wanted. a reason to engage the axis powers world-widefrom a historical perspective, adolf hitler was brilliant military strategist. absolutely brialliant. personally though, i think he was a little off his rocker. the reprecussions of the rise and fall of the third reich resound soundly into the modern day and will forever be one of the most significant pieces of military history, not to mention one of the most significant times of human suffering.
it surprises me to learn of people that are unaware of the fact that hitler was elected. just as it surprised many post-war americans to learn that roosevelt was in a wheelchair.
the german people are an amazing people. hitler had already done for his country, economically, what roosevelt was attempting to do for his through the new deal.
so anyway, one day, hitler is pacing back and forth in his war room, his eyes steadfastly studying the tactical table, feeling rather satisfied of how much of europe was occupied by his forces, hand tucked into his uniform shirt between the buttons...the other hand steadily and firmly tapping his leg with a riding crop...and he's thinking to himself that the soviet union would make one hell of a nice back yard. stalin doesn't seem so tough.
on june 22nd 1941 at 5:30 in the morning, germany declared war on the soviet unionwe all have decisions to make.
sometimes things work out.
sometimes they don't.