What do you peeps use for managing your to-do list or for productivity or project tracking? I'm a recent PC switcher (happy 17" MBP owner) who doesn't want to use MS Outlook (or whatever the Mac equivalent is) but who needs a pretty good to-do list scheduler and tracker integrated into the calendar.
I've been experimenting with iCal, but don't find that the to-do list and scheduling functions are well enough integrated and the user interface is also inefficient and occasionally annoying. Google Calendar doesn't have nice to-do list integration, and I'd rather have one that resides locally on my hard drive rather than the web anyway (although I sure don't mind web-synching between two computers or just plain live web versions of my calendar and to-do list).
Your faves and recommendations are much appreciated. Along with a quick poll on what peoples' fave LJ client is for the Mac. I've been using XJournal and liking it a fair bit, although there are a few small bugs that could use some attention. Does anyone know of a Mac client that's as good as Semagic is for Windows?
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