First post from MacBook Pro

Apr 26, 2006 17:11

This is my first post on LJ using my new Mac laptop, which was waiting for me upon our arrival in Calgary a week and a half ago. I'm using the Xjournal client right now, but only because it was high on a Google search. Are there any Mac users reading this right now? Which clients do you use?

I'm also looking for a good text and HTML editor for the Mac; something that allows for some HTML shorthand (macros, I guess? and ideally, pre-programmed yet also customizable). And what's the most popular (and fastest) FTP client for Macs? I downloaded Fetch, and it seems fine. But I always dug using LeechFTP for the PC, since it supports multi-threaded downloading and uploading for faster transfer speeds.

Anyway, I've been using this machine for about a week now, and I can honestly say that I can't ever see myself going back to a PC anytime soon. In one week, I've made a comfortable switch for most of my most common computer uses and I'm more pleased with the results on this Mac by FAR. The major highlights so far:

-- Boots up in well under 30 seconds, shuts down in under 5, goes to sleep and wakes up instantly by closing and opening the display.
-- Applications are installed simply by dragging the program icon into your applications folder. There's no actual installation process, and you never have to reboot your machine after installing anything!
-- Light sensor automatically backlights the keyboard and adjusts screen brightness in low light situations
-- Garage Band: Are they serious? This is a very high-functioning music production app that came preinstalled on the machine. Supports multi-track recording, mixing, effects and mastering, with a wide range of onboard MIDI sounds. Amazing.

switching to mac, software, mac

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