Name: Sara
Player Livejournal:
sarcasto_chickTimezone: EST
AIM: neverneedsdecaf
Other Characters: N/A
Full Name: John Winchester
Fandom: Supernatural
Age: 24
From When?: Sometime after Supernatural's episode 5x13 'The Song Remains the Same'.
Physical Description/PB:
Matt Cohen.
Temporal Link: The keys to John's 1967 Chevy Impala.
Personal History:
Wikipedia Link.
Personality: John carries some of the old habits with him that come with being a former marine; A sense of order, organization, a willingness to push himself above and beyond when it's needed of him, and so on. Most of that, however, currently lies under the surface. John maintains a very 'normal' attitude. He's nice, downright pleasant to a fault, and wants to be everyone's friend. As long as you continue to deserve that.
When you've crossed a line, however, it's like flipping a switch. John's attitude becomes tougher, and he's more than happy to call bullshit. Sometimes, thensome. There's a temper buried in there he more often than not tries to keep in check, though thanks to his slightly hyperdeveloped sense of right and wrong, when he feels he's been wronged he tends to let loose. Mostly, it'll be at the person who wronged him. Sometimes, it goes a little further than that.
All in all, John really does just want to be happy. He loves living with his wife Mary -- and he'd follow that woman into the gates of hell, make no mistake -- he's excited about being a father, and he doesn't want to do anything to wreck their happy little home. But he's still young, and he's taken on plenty of responsibility without a hint of argument, so there is something of a strain. But once again, thanks to that need to be happy and normal, and that sense of right and wrong, he's going to do his best to cover it up for as long as he can. Whether it's actually healthy or not.
Non-Supernatural/Non-Superhuman Skills: Combat capable, thanks to his training. Damned good with a gun, though prefers not to use them. John is good with strategy when it's needed of him, and though he keeps his Bossy Badass side in check, is one of the most likely to step up and lead when he knows he can. He's also good with his hands, having worked with them for most of his life, and currently holding down a job as a mechanic.
Supernatural/Superhuman Powers: N/A
Power Limitations: N/A
First-Person Writing Sample:
Recent Dear Mun post. Third-Person Writing Sample:
Intro Post from El Dorado RPG Additional Comments: Not a one.