musavisaa. (horot!)

Jan 04, 2006 21:27

Arvatkaapa kappaleita. Laitoin lyriikoista sopivan määrän ensimmäisiä rivejä. Kaksi teistä ovat kai etulyöntiasemassa.

Ja vain runkut googlettaa. :)

1. Planned a show, trees and balloons. Ice cream snow, see you in June.
2. You and me - meant to be. Immutable, impossible.
3. I am one as you are three.
4. With the sugar sickness you spy the kidnap kid, who kids you to oblivion.
5. Rain falls on everyone - the same old rain. And I'm just trying to walk with you..
6. I know we're just like old friends, we just can't pretend that lovers make amends.
7. Pop tart, what's our mission? Do we know, but never listen.
8. It’s you that I adore, you’ll always be my whore.
9. We dismiss the back roads to ride these streets unafraid. Resigned to scraping paint from our bones unashamed.
10. You know I'm not dead!
11. The world is a vampire, sent to drain.
12. - - - - - Cool kids never have the time. On a live wire right up off the street, you and I should meet.
13. Speak to me in a language i can hear.
14. Fool enough to almost be it. Cool enough to not quite see it. Doomed.
15. Candy cane walks down to build a bonfire, to break my fall.
16. Bleed in your own light, dream of your own life. I miss me.
17. ---, I am sleeping in here. We need a little hope.
18. Wrap me up in always, and drag me in with maybes.
19. Cast the pearls aside of a simple life of need. Come into my life forever!
20. As far as you take me, that's where i believe. The realm of soft delusions, floating on the laves.

Tästä tuli lähes tylsä Greatest hits muutamaa poikkeusta lukuunottamatta, vaikka kaikki levyt olivatkin koneessa vuorollaan. Syytän stereoideni shufflea tästä.
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