i feel so dirty.
today my friends and i were talking about sex (no big surprise there). and then we got onto gays and lesbians. luke said somthing about lesbians being hot and then emily said they were gross (but she has issues with lesbians so her opinion doesn't matter). then shes like, but gay guys are hot. kelsey and i agreed. then kelsey says, yeah, up untill buttsex it's hot. and i'm just sitting there acting like i agree...
i felt like the biggest perv. what with all the ferard smut i read. no one i know is as in to mcr, fanfiction, or slash as me. so i always feel bad around my friends. like i can't talk about stuff that is important to me. i mean lj isn't everything but it's a good part of my interests. whenever i'm really into a story or some new ferard happens on stage, i can't go gushing about it to my friends because they don't care and would just look at me weird.
i need a fucking life. meet new people. maybe then i would have something else to talk about. but i have a small group of friends, that i'm becoming more distant with because i'm having less and less in common with them (like i'm a virgin who's never had a boyfriend and their not). and we don't really do parties and what not so i don't really meet new people. i only see people in school most of the time. that and i live in a small fucking farm town in northwest ohio.
i can't wait to move out and start a new life after high school. 2 more years to go!