[OOC] A... SERIOUS log???

Sep 16, 2007 03:00

Who: Yuuri and Wolfram. Giesela is there at the very beginning also.
What: The royal couple being mopey, and then some cuddling. :3
When: Tonight (last night?) after the whole brothel incident.
Where: Wolfram's room, mostly.
Why: Just because.
Rating: Like... PG.
ALSO: WTF. There is absolutely nothing funny or cracktastic about this log!!!

When Yuuri finally stirred and woke up, his room was completely dark. Blinking drowsily, he reasoned that it must be nighttime, and then he remembered what had happened before passing out: Wolfram trapped in a brothel in human territory, Yuuri going into Maou mode and then leaving on Ao to save Wolfram, and then...?

What happened then? His memories faded off after that... Had he lost control so badly that he just couldn't remember? And most importantly, was Wolfram safe?

Yuuri's arm shot out to the side, feeling the space on the bed beside him in the dark. Not there.

"Wolfram?" He sat up and blinked into the darkness, but no one was there.

Panicked, he threw off the covers and sprinted across the room, throwing open the doors into the hallway. He squinted his eyes at the sudden brightness and shouted, "Wolfram?!"

"Yuuri-heika, you're awake!" Once his eyes adjusted, Yuuri could see Giesela approaching him in the hall. "How are you feeling?"

"Where's Wolfram? Is he okay?" Yuuri demanded, not even bothering to answer Giesela's question.

"Oh, Wolfram-kakka is in his room resting. He's fine, just a little shaken," Giesela smiled reassuringly. "Fortunately my father got there just in time."

Yuuri sighed in relief. "Thank goodness... he's safe." He smiled, then thought about what Giesela had said and asked, "So Günter was the one who saved him? What happened to me?"

"Ahh..." Giesela hesitated a moment before answering. "You were found asleep on Ao on the way back to the castle, I believe. You probably released too much maryoku all at once and passed out before you could even make it into human territory."

Yuuri's face fell a bit. How anti-climactic was that? "Oh. So I did nothing to help?"

"Well, I mean... it's good that you were at least unharmed, Heika!" Giesela said, trying to cheer the king up. "You tried, at least! And that's a very smart horse you have, she didn't run off into some other direction to get you into even more trouble or anything."

Yuuri sighed. Compliments to his horse weren't exactly what he had wanted to hear. "Thanks Giesela. I'll go see Wolf in his room now." Waving to her as he turned away, he padded down the hall in his bare feet.

Finding Wolfram's room with ease, despite how few times he had been there, Yuuri knocked on the door cautiously. "Wolfram?" he called. "Are you awake?"

Wolfram was sitting by the window, staring out blanky. He really couldn't think after what had happened, he was way too freaked out. He didn't think that anything like that would ever happen to him in his life. He didn't think much of his appearence, so he had figured that he would blend in. He was wrong. He had never been so insulted and embarassed in his life. They had looked at him like he was a piece or mean, and a few had managed to crop a feel. Yeah, he felt gross right now. He sighed and rested his cheek against the cold glass, his eyelids drooping. It was stupid of him to go alone, he should have known better. But he wasn't thinking at the time. His eyes shot wide open when he heard someone knocking and Yuuri's voice. He didn't know what to say. "I'm....awake." He said lamely, not knowing what else to say.

Yuuri paused. He wanted to see Wolfram, but he sounded so dispirited. "...Can I come in?" he asked.

"........................yeah." What else was he going to say? No, go away? He could never say no to Yuuri, the stupid wimp.

"...Okay. I'm coming in, then." Yuuri felt kind of stupid for stating that, but he thought it would probably be best to tread lightly. He slowly opened the door and stepped in, finding Wolfram sitting by the window on the opposite side of the room. He closed the door behind him but didn't advance further. "Um. Hi."

Wolfram shifted his eyes in Yuuri's direction and then looked back out at the setting sun. "Hi." He felt a bit ashamed about that happened, he had been an utter fool. He didn't really know what to do with himself, or how to act. He couldn't act as though nothing happened, as much as he'd like to.

Yuuri paused awkwardly, shifting on his feet. "Um. How are you feeling?"

Wolfram still didn't make eyecontact with Yuuri, he kept his attention fixated on the setting sun. "..............I've been better. But not too terrible."

"...Ah. That's good. I mean... that you're not feeling too terrible." He hesitantly took a couple steps closer, then stopped. Keeping his eyes on the floor, he said, "...Um. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help."

"It's not your fault." Wolfram said softly, finally turning to look at Yuuri. His green eyes were soft, a foil to their usual hardness. "You tried, and I was acting stupid anyway. Karma, no?"

"Don't say that!" Yuuri said, taking a few steps closer, locking his eyes on Wolfram's. "You may have been acting rashly, but there was no way that you deserved to have that happen to you. Ever."

Wolfram didn't really notice how close Yuuri was to him now. All he could do was stare into Yuuri's big black eyes. "It happened for a reason. I'm sorry for making you worry." He finally broke eyecontact and looked at the floor.

"Wolfram!" Yuuri took the few steps left before he was standing right in front of his fiance and grabbed Wolfram by the shoulders. "Stop saying that, please! It shouldn't have happened, and... I only wish I could have done more..."

Wolfram looked up at Yuuri with startled eyes and blinked. "You didn't know I was leaving, I didn't tell you. There was no way you could have known. There's only so much you can do, Yuuri. But I'm glad that you tried."

"I just..." Yuuri dropped his head, resting his forehead on Wolfram's shoulder. "I hate this. I hate that I'm always the one being protected when I can't even do a thing for you. I love you, but I'm just so useless..."

"You aren't useless." Wolfram sighed, wrapping his arms around Yuuri's waist. "You give the people hope. You're a wonderful leader who cares for his people. It's you that matters. Not Mother. Not Gwendal. Not Gunter. Not Conrad and not me. You're the one who matters most. If you're safe, that's all that counts."

Yuuri sighed. "I wish I could at least do more for you. I want you to be able to depend on me some, too. But I'm so glad you're safe, even if I wasn't any help."

"Just continue to be your usual wimpy self and I'll be happy." Wolfram smiled a bit. "That's all I ask."

"Don't call me a wimp!" Yuuri cried on impulse. "I mean... I don't want to be a wimp!"

"Maa maa...But thats what you are. And that's what the people like about you." Wolfram said, planting a kiss on Yuuri's cheek.

Yuuri almost smiled, but instead pouted slightly. "I can be a good king without being a wimp," he insisted. "And a good fiance."

"You're always going to be a cheating wimp." Wolfram said while rolling his eyes. "But at least you're my cheating wimp." He said before planting a kiss on Yuuri's neck. "Mnn~ You feeling better? After all, you did pass out again."

Yuuri blushed and pulled back a bit, placing a hand on his neck where Wolfram had kissed him. "I- I'm fine. And I wouldn't cheat on you!"

"Pfft." He rolled his eyes again, leaning back against the window sill. "Still, you should get some sleep."

"I just woke up. I think you need sleep more than I do." He paused before adding, "Can I stay here for the night, though? With you."

Wolfram tilted his head to the side and blinked. "Of course you can. You're always welcome to stay with me."

Yuuri smiled. "Okay, good. My bed's too cold and lonely without you." He leaned over again and kissed Wolfram on the cheek. Suddenly he froze, and a horrified expression crossed his face. "...Ah."

Wolfram blinked when he saw a horrified expression cross Yuuri's face. What was wrong? "....What is it?" He asked, worried. If it was something stupid, he was going to punch Yuuri in the face.

"I..." Yuuri covered his face with his hands, groaning. "I think I accidentally admitted to being in love with you on my journal."

Wolfram blinked, "Wha? ...........That's not a bad thing, is it?"

"But it's embarrassing!" Yuuri whined. "I didn't want to let everyone know!!"

"I'm glad you did." Wolfram admitted, leaning back against the windowsill more.

Yuuri just pouted. "Why's that?"

"Because. It lets people know that you know that you're mine."

Yuuri blushed. "Yeah, well... they didn't have to know."

"I like it." He replied, walking over to his bed and ploping down on it. '"I'm tired. Let's go to sleep, Yuuri~"

"...Yeah, okay," Yuuri agreed, then climbed into bed next to Wolfram. He paused, then hesitantly reached out and wrapped his arms around his fiance, pulling him close. "...I'm so glad you're safe."

"I'm glad I'm safe too." Wolfram sighed, snuggling into Yuuri's chest. "I have to wash myself for an hour to get the feeling of their hands off of me."

"Just don't do something like that again," Yuuri said, sofly kissing the top of Wolfram's head. "They... didn't go too far with you, did they?"

"They just grabbed at me." He replied, closing his eyes. "And I think someone licked me." He let out a breath slowly. "Mnn~ You smell nice..."

Yuuri went red. "I... smell nice? What?"

"You smell nice." He repeated, hugging Yuuri and breathing in his scent. "Like....roses or something."

"Um... you smell nice, too," Yuuri replied, not sure of what else to say.

"Mnn~" Wolfram sighed, "I love you."

Yuuri smiled. "I love you, too."

"Mnnn......" Wolfram opened his eyes lazily. "Wimp." He leaned up and kissed Yuuri gently on the lips, closing his eyes while he did so.

Yuuri would have protested the "wimp" allegation, but instead returned the kiss briefly before pulling back. "Good night, Wolfram."



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