RP LOG!!! :O

Jul 16, 2007 00:23

Who: Yuuri, Wolfram, and a crapload of NPCs (including, but not limited to, Conrad, Günter, Morgif, and some soldiers)
What: Searching for Wolfram! :O
When: Last night
Why: Because we couldn't bear to have the royal couple fighting for so long! :(
Rating: M for MAOU and MULLET!

Also. This log has some in-jokes that you probably wouldn't understand if you're not familiar with Kyou Kara Maou. So... yeah! They're just little things though, so it really doesn't matter! 8D

Also Conrad is kind of OOC.

Yuuri: *pacing around his office and trying not to spaz* We need to go find Wolfram!

Conrad: Heika...please calm down *a lazy smile graces is slender lips* I'm sure he'll be fine.

Yuuri: But he's not! He's bleeding and he has a broken arm and *sdfjhsldkfjha* Let's send out a search party! I'll lead it if you won't!

Conrad: Alright, Heika. Well form a party--


Yuuri: *kind of wants to tear his hair out* *though he DOESN'T REALLY CARE ABOUT WOLFRAM SRSLY* *STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT STFU!* What is it, Günter?!


Yuuri: No! I refuse! It's my fault he's in this situation now!

Yuuri: I mean no it isn't!

Yuuri: But he blames me for it so I should go!

Yuuri: Though I don't care if he blames me for it or not!

Yuuri: ...But I'm still going!

Günter: *D8* HEIKA!

Conrad: Alright, I understand.

Günter: NO!

Conrad: Heika has his reasons.


Conrad: When shall we go, Heika?

Yuuri: Now!

Yuuri: He could be bleeding to death!

Conrad: Alright. Lets go.

Günter: *sob* NO HEIKA.


Yuuri: *thinks quickly* Uh... Günter! This is, uh... *gives up and runs off*

Conrad: *quickly follows*


Conrad: We'll bring some troops, alright Heika?

Yuuri: *nods* Get them quickly! We have no time to waste!

Conrad: Alright, Heika! Troops! ASSEMBLE!

Troops: *slowly form into a mob of 10 people*

Troops: READY TO GO!

Conrad: Ready to go, Heika?

Yuuri: Yeah! Let's roll! *begins to mount Ao but falls off in his haste*

Yuuri: ...Ahaha... *climbs on her SUCCESSFULLY this time* NOW let's roll!

Conrad: *laughing* Alright, Heika. *mounts his horse with the grace that is Conrad*

Troops: YES.

Conrad: The Black Forest isnt too far, but it's large. Where is he in it?

Yuuri: ............I don't know!

Conrad: ................

Troops: ..................

Conrad: Um...He does want us to come, right?

Yuuri: ......Of course he does!

Yuuri: He just... don't know it.

Troops: ....................

Conrad: ........................

Ao: ....................

Conrad: .......Alright. Um, lets go.

Conrad: *kicks his horse in the side, begins to go off at full speed*

Troops: *following*

Everyone: *Horse riding yay!*

Time: *about an hour later*

Conrad: Here we are....

Everyone: *they are in the front of a very creepy forest*

Forest: *very creepy*

Yuuri: *is kind of intimidated by the CREEPINESS*

Conrad: *Impassive as ALWAYS*

Troops: .......*cringe*

Conrad: Shall we go in? *smile(

Yuuri: Y-yeah! Let's find Wolfram!

Conrad: I'll go in first, Heika...you follow me...the troops follow Heika

Conrad: *gets off his horse* This will be easier on foot

Troops: *also dismount*

Yuuri: *dismounts* *doesn't fall on his ass this time*

Conrad: Good job Heika!

Yuuri: ......Conrad. :|

Conrad: Onward!

Conrad: *enters forest* Stay close to me, Heika. Those troops are not main characters, so they are likely to be killed off

Yuuri: Uh... right. *stays close to Conrad* *close enough that Wolfram would probably have a fit were he there*

Wolfram: I have the sudden urge to kill Conrad...

Conrad: Good. *chops down some buches*

Troops: *dissappear somewhere*

Conrad: He cant have gotten too far...

Morgif: *moans randomly*


Morgif: *...JUST BECAUSE*

Conrad: .....Why bring Morgif? He's useless D8

Yuuri: Uh... in case we need... a butter knife?

Conrad: Good idea! You never know when there might be some butter that needs slicing!

Yuuri: ...Yeah! That's right! Hahaha...

Conrad: Lets keep moving.

Conrad: *spots something carved on a tree* Whats this?

Carved on tree: "I HATE LIFE."

Yuuri: ...

Conrad: ....That was probably Wolfram

Yuuri: Yeah... that... What a loser, overreacting like that! *FEELS HORRIBLY GUILTY*

Conrad: *feels nothing, because he's an apathetic bastard* Lets follow this...It might lead to him. There seem to be slashes on trees from his sword. He must have been upset about something...

Yuuri: Yeah... haha. Wonder what that could have been?

Conrad: Lets go then.

Conrad: .....I think I smell blood...

*there is an area with smashed trees and bushes, blood slathered across the ground and brances*

Conrad: There might have been a fight here...

Yuuri: *alafkdjhalkfhjadf* *did not just mentally keysmash what you talkin bout* That must have been what happened to Wolfram!

Conrad: Yes, this blood seems to be of a Mazoku, it must be him.

Conrad: He can't be too far now, I'll be suprised if he's still alive

Yuuri: He's alive!

Conrad: You sure?

Yuuri: He has to be! >O

Conrad: Alright, but...what did Wolfram fight? Did he kill it?

Giant creature corpse: *lying a few feet away*

Conrad: I hope he did

Yuuri: Well it certainly looks dead.

Conrad: What looks dead?

Conrad: Look! A corpse!

Yuuri: *eyes the corpse* What is that, anyway? Is it something dangerous?

Conrad: ...Well, its not something someone should fight on their own. It's a Nregger. Pretty dangerous.

Yuuri: Huh... *shakes his head* Wait, we can't just stare at this thing! We have to keep moving and find Wolfram!

Conrad: Right! Lets go!

Conrad: *walks forward*

Yuuri: *follows*

Morgif: Urrrrrngghhhhhh *starts wiggling around*

Yuuri: *dfhlksdfjhfdj* Morgif, stop that! We're trying to find Wolfram!

Conrad: O_o Maybe he senses Wolfram!

Yuuri: !! Hey maybe! *unsheaths Morgif* Okay lead the way!

Conrad: 8D Good thinking Heika!

Morgif: *leads them to... some place in the forest!*

Yuuri: *looks around* Wolfram?! Are you here?!

Forest: .....

Conrad: ...........

Morgif: ....Unrnnngh?

Random thugs that look eerily identical to Yuuri's school bullies: ...Wha?

Yuuri: *doesn't notice the resemblance* Huh? You're not Wolfram!

Random Thug: You mean this chick? *pulls out Wolframs bloody body, though he still looks beautiful because he's awesome like that* We were going to rape her. We'll be on our way now, k tnx.

Yuuri: Wolfram!!

Conrad: Wolfram! Release the gi--boy!

Random Thug: We think not.

Yuuri: *aldfhlafdhafjha* Release him now or I'll... I'll do something!

Random Thug: The chick is ours. Back off.

Conrad: Give us the Chi--boy! Now!

Yuuri: *is quivering with silent rage*

Conrad: *pulls out sword* Give us the chick! Now! *gave up on calling him a boy*

Random Thug: LULS. NO WAI MAN.

Random Thug: *drops Wolfram*

Random Thug: Woops. Meh badz.

Conrad: ....

Yuuri: *sees the Random Thug drop Wolfram* Wolfram!! *EXPLODES WITH MARYOKU*


Random Thug: :OOOOOOO OMFG

Maou: You immoral hoodlums! Not only do you attempt to take advantage of a wounded and helpless individual, but you treat him so carelessly! You have no regard for the wellbeing of others and care only for yourselves!

Random Thug: D8

Maou: *mullet blows in the wind and his eyes flash ominously* It is not in my nature to take lives, but it seems I have no choice. I will kill you!!

Random Thug: *screaming*

Supermulletsama: PUNISHMENT!!!!


Conrad: O____________O

Maou: *makes some grotesque monster out of... um... dead leaves and dirt* *and it looks like a Nregger*


Dirtmonster: GRRRRRRRR!!!!! *grabs the thugs in its claws*


Dirtmonster: *stomps around and leaves footprints that say JUSTICE*

Conrad: Nicely done, Heika 8D

Maou: *is pretty much letting the monster squeeze the life out of the random thugs*

Conrad: Isnt this a little much? What about Wolfram? *points to Wolfie*

Wolfie: @__@

Maou: *glances over at Wolfram* *eyes widen slightly*

Yuuri: *turns back* Wolfram! Are you all right? *rushes over to him*

Dirtmonster: *collapses*

Wolfram: @_@ *K.OED!*

Conrad: ........ *looks at dead thug* Such a waste

Yuuri: *looking at Wolfram's wounds* Ergh, that doesn't look good... I'll try to heal you a bit before journeying back to the castle! ...Are you awake, Wolfram?

Wolfram: .....*his beautiful emerald eyes open slowly, his pupils focusing on Yuuri's face* I thought I told you to stay away...wimp...

Yuuri: Stupid! You know I can't do that! Not when you're in trouble! *starts up a healing spell thing*

Wolfram: Y-You're the stupid...one...*his eyelids lower slighly*

Yuuri: No! You're stupid for going off and doing something so dangerous!

Wolfram: ....What do you...care?

Yuuri: I... of course I care! You're my friend, and my comrade, and my... fiance... so I don't want anything happening to you!

Yuuri: And I still don't know what I did to get you upset, but whatever it was, I'm sorry, okay?

Wolfram: ....

Yuuri: *notices he's not concentrating on the healing spell enough* A-ah, oops... *concentrates on that*

Wolfram: Do you mean that?

Yuuri: *staring at his hands* *because he's busy healing Wolfram, not because he's embarrassed, of course!* *nods*

Wolfram: *smiles faintly* Wimp.

Yuuri: *on instinct* Don't call me a wimp!

Wolfram: I can't help it <3 Your my wimp, after all

Yuuri: Sounds like you're feeling a little better. *sighs and sits back on his heels* That should be good enough for now. We'll have Giesela look at you when we get back to the castle.

Wolfram: *sighs* I guess you win.

Conrad: Is he alright, Heika?

Yuuri: *nods* I think so. Let's get him back home. *looks at Ao* Um... You should probably take him on your horse, though. I'm still not that good at riding and I don't want him to fall off.

Conrad: *takes wolfram carefully* Alright, Heika.



Conrad: .....Why bring Morgif? He's useless D8

Yuuri: Uh... in case we need... a butter knife?

Silver luvs Gold: ((WTF are we doing? XDDDDDD))

LovelessxXxZero: ((No idea XDDDDDD))

Conrad: Good idea! You never know when there might be some butter that needs slicing!

Silver luvs Gold: ((skldfjhladjfhlkadfjhadhdfh XD))

Yuuri: ...Yeah! That's right! Hahaha...

LovelessxXxZero: ((XDDDD We rule 8D))

Silver luvs Gold: ((WE DO.))


Conrad: *grabs sword* WHO GOES THERE?

Random kitten: *comes out* Baa?

Conrad: -__-

Yuuri: Aww it's cute! :D

Silver luvs Gold: ((...This should probably be a deleted scene. XD WTF.))

LovelessxXxZero: ((SRSLY. WTF. XD))

Conrad: *feels nothing, because he's an apathetic bastard* Lets follow this...It might lead to him. There seem to be slashes on trees from his sword. He must have been upset about something...

Silver luvs Gold: ((Conrad is a loser.))

LovelessxXxZero: ((srsly.))

Yuuri: Yeah... haha. Wonder what that could have been?

Conrad: Lets go then.

Silver luvs Gold: (( http://duck.duelstandby.com/ ))

Silver luvs Gold: ((I made that a long time ago and never did anything with it.))

LovelessxXxZero: ((LULS. NICE.))

Yuuri: Well it certainly looks dead.

Conrad: What looks dead?

Conrad: Look! A corpse!

Silver luvs Gold: ((Hahahahaha I think we did that in the wrong order! Whatev.))

LovelessxXxZero: ((XD I'm making Conrad slow XDD))

Silver luvs Gold: ((You're totally butchering him on purpose aren't you. :|))

LovelessxXxZero: ((Yes I am 8D))

Silver luvs Gold: ((If we ever get a Conrad in Brawl they're probably going to be pissed at us.))

LovelessxXxZero: ((DX Ah wellz))

Silver luvs Gold: ((XD Unless it's a good-natured mun who knows Conrad's about as interesting as a mound of dirt and loves him for it?))

LovelessxXxZero: ((XDDD Haahaaa 8DD))

Morgif: Urrrrrngghhhhhh *starts wiggling around*

Yuuri: *dfhlksdfjhfdj* Morgif, stop that! We're trying to find Wolfram!

Conrad: O_o Maybe he senses Wolfram!

Yuuri: !! Hey maybe! *unsheaths Morgif* Okay lead the way!

Conrad: 8D Good thinking Heika!

Morgif: *leads them to a strip club*

Conrad: Is he here?


Morgif: Mnnnrrrrhh!! :DDDDDDD


Silver luvs Gold: ((Okay seriously now...))

LovelessxXxZero: ((WTF XD))

Morgif: *leads them to... some place in the forest!*

Silver luvs Gold: ((It's not a strip club))

LovelessxXxZero: ((Luls))


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