Dec 23, 2007 20:18

Who: The royal family! That being Yuuri, Wolfram, and Greta, of course. And cameos by pretty much every NPC in the castle.
What: Playing in the snow! :DDDDD
When: Like... today!
Where: Blood Pledge Castle... DUR.
Why: Because the royal family winz.
Rating: S FOR SNOW!!!
ALSO: Josak probably saw this.

Greta: *throws open her fathers' bedroom door* Yuuri~! :DDD *runs over and jumps on the bed where Yuuri and Wolf are still sleeping*

Yuuri: *is roughly awoken* sdlkjh;sdfhsd Bw-uhh?? What?

Wolfram: *is a surprisingly heavy sleeper and is still out like a light* |DD~~~ *dreaming about his Yuurikins*

Greta: *pouts when she sees that Wolfram is still sleeping and thus not paying attention to her* Wooooooooolf. *pokes him relentlessly*

Yuuri: *rubs his eyes and sits up* Nngh... Greta?

Wolfram: *is poked relentlessly* *opens one eye* Ehh.... Nani?

Greta: :DDD Guess what?? It's snowing!

Wolfram: Ehhh? :O I wanted it to snow. *sits up* Yuuriiii. It's snowing!

Yuuri: Yeah, I heard. *gets out of bed and walks to the window* *draws back the curtain and looks outside* Wow, it's already piled up a bit!

Greta: *runs to his side* This is my first time seeing real snow!! *_* Can we go outside and play in it? *excited*

Wolfram: You'll need to bundle up... and that means mittens, coat, hat, scarf, four layers and boots. *maternal side lolz*

Yuuri: Do we have all that stuff in Greta's size...? *worried now because he really really wants to play in the snow with his beloved daughter!!*

Wolfram: Of course we do. B|;; Really. This is a CASTLE for crying out loud.

Yuuri: Ahaha. I guess that's true...

Greta: So we can go play in the snow? *__*

Yuuri: Sure! :D

Greta: Yay!! :DDDD

Wolfram: ... What time is it?

Yuuri: ...Uhhh... *looks out the window again* ...Just past dawn, I think.

Wolfram: ........................... It's too early.

Yuuri: Ahahaha. Yeah, just a little. *turns to Greta* Go back to bed, Greta, and get some rest. We can play outside when the sun gets a little higher, okay?

Greta: Aww... okay. :(

Wolfram: Yeah... *yawn* >_> I'm not getting up until I need to. Which is actually probably soon.

Yuuri: We'll definitely go play in the snow today, though. :)

Greta: Okay! :D I'll go back to my room, so get some sleep, Wolfram! *leaves*

Wolfram: *snuggles into his pillow, yey!*

Yuuri: Hmm... I can't do my morning training with snow on the ground... *lays down in bed again but can't get back to sleep* :|

Wolfram: *can't sleep either* *woe* Don't worry about that. Snow days are a day off. *turns to look at Yuuri* The first ones, anyway. Tomorrow you'll be out training in the snow.

Yuuri: Mm. *wraps his arms around Wolfram and smiles* Well, I'm fine with just staying here for a little while.

Wolfram: *snuggles into Yuuri* *likes this much better than his pillow* Yeah. Me too. *huuuug*

Conrad: *pushes the door open and slides in slyly, because Conrad is a creepy shadow lurker. He's always in the background. Lurking.* Oh, Heika. *Creepy smile* Time to wake up. :)

Yuuri: sldkfjh;ldfjladfhdjf *flails and lets go of Wolfram and moves away to the other end of the bed* *falls off the bed with the sheets tangled up in his legs* Conrad! Knock before you come in! And don't call me Heika!

Wolfram: *also flailed when Yuuri did and fell off the opposite side of the bed, without the sheets* awdiwodjwoijwd. *ded*

Conrad: Silly Heika. I am everywhere. And no where.

Conrad: ^_^ It's time for breakfast!

Yuuri: *moans and gets up, rubbing his head* Nngh, yeah, yeah. *sees that Wolfram visn't on the bed anymore* Wolf? *walks to the other side of the bed to see Wolfram there* Wolfram! Are you okay??

Wolfram: Augh.... *rubs the back of his head* Yatta... I'm fine. *looks up at Yuuri* Geez! Give some kind of warning before you go flailing like that! You could have killed me, you wimp!

Conrad: Now now, Wolfram. Yuuri-Heika can't help his spazz attacks. ^_^

Wolfram: And you! Why the hell did you just walk in here!?

Conrad: ^__^ No comment.

Yuuri: *sighs* Well, I'll just... get dressed now. I'll come to breakfast in a moment.

Conrad: ^_^ Okay, Yuuri-Heika. I shall wait outside your door. *slips out*

Wolfram: D:<

Yuuri: *starts unbuttoning his pajama top, then decides to put the sheets back on the bed first* Wolfram, are you coming to breakfast, or are you going to sleep some more? *tries to make the bed but kind of fails at it*

Wolfram: *siiigh* Wimp. *grabs the sheets and neatly makes the bed* *stfu he's not womanly AT ALL* I'll be getting up. Have some things to do, after all.

Yuuri: Ahaha... *lets Wolf take charge of making the bed* Um, okay. I'll get changed then. *slips into the closet to change into one of his EXTREMELY VARIED outfits*

Wolfram: *makes the bed and rubs the back of his neck* Be sure to put on your winter wear. It's cold.

Yuuri: ... *looks at all his black school uniforms that look exactly identical* Which is my winter wear?

Wolfram: The one on the far left. B|

Yuuri: *picks out the one on the far left, which looks EXACTLY like all the others* ...That's kind of creepy Wolfram.

Wolfram: Huh? *blinkblink*

Yuuri: That you have my clothes memorized like that. *finishes unbuttoning his shirt and slips it off*

Wolfram: .... I don't. The maids told us about a week ago that they had put our winter wear in our closets. And that they'd be the closest to the door. *shrug*

Yuuri: Oh, they did? *did not know that* *or completely forgot about it* *pulls on his undershirt and starts buttoning up his jacket*

Wolfram: Yes. *shifty eyes* *heads over to his closet to change*

Conrad: *listening from outside the door* 8]

Yuuri: *walks out fully dressed* Umm. Are you coming to breakfast, or should I just go without you?

Wolfram: You can go ahead!

Conrad: 8D I'll escort you, Heika! *out of nowhere*

Yuuri: *NEARLY JUMPS OUT OF HIS FREAKING SKIN* Ahhh! Conrad!! *does lamaze breathing to calm himself down* Okay, um. Thanks. Let's go, then, Conrad!

Conrad: 8DDD Let's go, Heika!

Shinou: *walks out from the wall or something* I am hungry. And bored. Amuse and feed me. B|

Yuuri: *scowls* Ulrike wants to see you at the temple. She has food there too. *LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH*

Shinou: *knows all* B|

Yuuri: :|

Shinou: I refuse to go alone. B|

Yuuri: Gwendal has plenty of stuffed animals that can accompany you. :|

Shinou: Someone real and un-deformed, please. B|

Yuuri: *acts scandalized* They have feelings too, you know!

Conrad: Let's all eat together! 8]

Yuuri: *insert "o rly" icon here* ........................

Conrad: ..... or not?

Shinou: I accept. *creepy pedo grin*

Yuuri: *sighs* Fine, fine... *intends to scarf down his breakfast as quickly as possible and then stay constantly by Wolfram's side until it's time for PLAYING IN THE SNOW*

Shinou: *is pleased* 8]

Conrad: *is oblivious* :3

Wolfram: *walks out* What's going on?

Shinou: 83

Wolfram: Oh hell no.

Shinou: Hello to you too.

Conrad: Shall we move on?

Yuuri: Yeah, let's just get this over with going.

Yuuri: *yes, just spoke in strikeout*

Wolfram: B| Do I have to.

Conrad: 8D~ Lalala. Lalala. Lalalalala.

Shinou: Yes. >_>

Yuuri: It's just for a little bit...? *tries to be comforting*

Wolfram: Ugh.... fine. *pouty*

Yuuri: *doesn't like this any more than Wolfram does!*

Wolfram: *knows that!* *but still* *pouty*

Greta: *appears!* ?? What are you all doing crowding the hallway? Isn't it time for breakfast?

Yuuri: ¦DDDDD Greta~~~~~ *hugs her* *is in doting father mode all of a sudden*

Greta: :DDDD Yuuri!

Conrad: *STARE* *FEELS LEFT OUT* |D Wolfraaam~ *Huuug*

Wolfram: HEY--HANDS OFF!

Shinou: *has went ahead to the food*

Conrad: *smother*

Wolfram: D8

Yuuri: *sees that Shinou has left and decides to seize this opportunity!* Come on, let's go! *grabs Wolfram and pulls him out of Conrad's grasp as he runs in the other direction* *is still holding onto Greta btw lol*

Greta: D: But Yuuri, I'm hungry!

Yuuri: Okay, okay! *heads towards the back entrance to the kitchen* *because there is one*

Conrad: D8

Wolfram: *is dragged along* Hey, what the hell? D:

Shinou: B| *alone*

Yuuri: *barges into the kitchen, still clutching his family*

Maids: *stop what they're doing*

Doria: ...Heika?

Wolfram: ..... Uh. Go back to what you're all doing? *hopeful look*

Yuuri: *is panting too heavily to talk* *has decent stamina but is not used to lugging around two people*

Sangria: ...Heika, Kakka, Princess? What are you here for?

Wolfram: *doesn't NEED to be lugged around* Um. I don't even know. D:

Yuuri: W-wo... *finally manages to catch his breath a bit* You're heavy, Wolfram.

Maids: *dramatic gasp!*

Wolfram: Excuse me!?

Yuuri: *mind catches up with what he said* Uh... I mean... that wasn't...

Doria: That was very insensitive of you, Heika! D<

Lasagna: Kakka is your fiance! You should treat him much nicer than that!

Yuuri: I... I do treat Wolf nice, it just slipped out... ahaha...

Wolfram: You just basically called me fat! (;_;)

Yuuri: I didn't! You're not! Not at all! *waves his hands around frantically* I'm sorry, Wolfram! I didn't mean it!

Greta: *tugs at Yuuri's sleeve* Yuuuuuuuri...

Yuuri: ... *glances between Wolfram and Greta* ...Ah. Um. Just a second, Greta...

Wolfram: *pulls away* It's fine. I'll go be heavy elsewhere ( ;_; ) *slinks out of the room*

Yuuri: Wait, Wolfram! *chases after him*

Greta: ......... :| *turns to face the maids* Um, I'm hungry. Can I maybe have some breakfast? :D

Maids: Right away, Princess! :DD *bustle about*

Wolfram: *doesn't wait because he well. Doesn't want to. B|* *continues to walk down the hall way, pissed and depressed*

Yuuri: W-wait... *catches up to Wolfram and grasps his arm* *sides are splitting by now but manages to speak* I-I'm sorry, Wolfram. I really didn't mean it.

Wolfram: B| Yes you did. You wouldn't have said it otherwise.

Yuuri: Of course I didn't! My arms were just tired after carrying you guys and it slipped out by accident! But it doesn't mean you're heavy at all. It's the same as when Shouri makes me go to Akiba with him and carry all the dating sims he buys!

Wolfram: .........................................

Wolfram: ..........................................................

Wolfram: .............................................fine.

Yuuri: *smiles* Even if you were heavy, I'd still love you just the same. So don't be mad, okay? *brushes Wolfram's cheek gently*

Wolfram: Pfft... wimp. *rolls his eyes but smiles* All right.

Random servants in the hallway: *staaaaaaaaaare*

Yuuri: ......Uh. Let's get back to Greta. *grabs Wolf's hand and heads back for the kitchen*

Wolfram: *is dragged along againz*

Yuuri: *enters the kitchen again and takes a quick look around* ...Where's Greta?

Lasagna: The Princess is in the dining room eating her breakfast! ^_^

Wolfram: You guys cook really fast. :O

Sangria: Oh, we've been cooking since dawn. ^__^

Yuuri: Hey, wait... Shinou's not in the dining room, is he? *wary look*


Greta: *is happily eating her breakfast and chatting with Shinou* Hey, did you see that it was snowing outside? :DD

Shinou: I did not. 8] I was too busy mind raeping someone.

Greta: Ohhhhh. :O ...What's mind raeping?

Shinou: It's when you mess up someone's mind so bad that they go insane. 8D

Greta: ... *kind of uncomfortable now* Oh. Um... *goes back to eating*

Shinou: *stare* :3

Wolfram: .... Uh. Let's eat quickly and go out in the snow.

Yuuri: Yeah, um. That's a good idea. *doesn't want to eat in the dining room with Shinou, but doesn't want to leave Greta alone with him either* *CONFLICTED* L-let's go out to... the dining room, then......

Wolfram: ... Well, how about this? I'll go out, and you stay here. And Greta and I will be back in a little bit.

Yuuri: No, you can stay here if you want! I'll have breakfast with Greta.

Maids: *are confused about why Yuuri and Wolfram WOULDN'T want to eat with their daughter*

Wolfram: No, I'll eat with her. B|

Yuuri: We'll both eat with her.

Yuuri: Yeah. :) Okay.

Wolfram: *goes into the dining room*

Yuuri: *follows!*

Shinou: Hello poppets. 83

Yuuri: *gak*

Wolfram: *erg*

Greta: *looks at Yuuri pleadingly* Yuuuuuriiii... D:

Yuuri: Greta! *sids down next to her and scoots his seat close to her* Um. How's breakfast? *nervously ignoring Shinou*

Wolfram: *has to take the chair closest to Shinou, dammit D:* *sits down*

Shinou: 83

Wolfram: >__>;

Shinou: Raep?

Wolfram: HUH?

Shinou: I said jam. :3

Yuuri: *slams his hand on the table*

Greta: ...?

Yuuri: ......

Wolfram: ......................?

Shinou: *blank*

Conrad: *Walks in* HALLO~!

Greta: Hi, Conrad! :D

Yuuri: ...... *picks up his knife and fork and begins to eat* *is keeping his eye on Shinou and Wolfram*

Conrad: *plops down on the other side of Wolf so Wolf is inbetween Shinou and Conrad*

Wolfram: DX

Conrad: Hello, princess. :) Remember to eat your veggies and cake.

Shinou: 83

Wolfram: *not eating*

Conrad: *OM NOM NOM NOM*

Shinou: *eats normally*

Yuuri: *is getting anxious, but feels better with Conrad sitting on the other side of Wolfram* Hurry up and eat, Wolf! We have stuff to do.

Wolfram: I'm not hungry. B|

Conrad: :| Eat.

Wolfram: No. D:

Conrad: I'll force feed you.

Shinou: Let me have the honor of that~

Wolfram: ..........................*picks up his fork and eats*

Conrad: :)

Shinou: *dissapointed* :(

Greta: *puts down her knife and fork* I'm done!

Yuuri: *does the same* So am I! *isn't actually done eating but can wait until lunch*

Wolfram: Me too--

Conrad: B|

Wolfram: D8 Uh. Go ahead without me.

Yuuri: .........

Greta: *is visibly anxious to go play in the snow!*

Yuuri: ............ *glances at Greta and sighs* Okay. Come on, Greta, let's go. *stands up and holds out his hand*

Greta: :D Okay! *bounces out of her seat and grabs Yuuri's hand*

Yuuri: *whispers as he passes by Conrad* Watch over Wolfram for now, okay?

Conrad: *nods his head*

Wolfram: *reluctantly eating* 8[

Yuuri: *leaves the room with Greta* *is still kind of worried about leaving Wolfram with Shinou though* Umm, let's see, Greta... I'd say you should go ask the maids to help you into your snow suit and everything, but I think Wolfram said he had some things he had to take care of before playing in the snow... Do you want to do something else in the meantime?

Greta: Umm... can you read me one of Anissina's stories?? :DDD

Yuuri: Sure, I guess I could! :D It might go a little slow though, since I'm still working on my reading...

Greta: That's okay! ^_^ I just want to read a story with you, Yuuri.

Yuuri: *wibbles* Greta... *hugs her tightly* Oh, you make daddy so happy! ;_;

Greta: *hugs back* Yuuri! ^___^

Yuuri: Come on, Greta, let's go to the library!

Greta: Okay! :D

Yuuri and Greta: *frolick off hand-in-hand*

Wolfram: *sitting between Conrad and Shinou* *QUITE UNCOMFORTABLE* Aha..haha...can I go? ;_;

Shinou: Finish all your veggies! :3

Conrad: And your milk! It makes strong bones! :3

Wolfram: I'M DONE! D:

Conrad: All right then... you can go!


Yuuri: *is in the library reading to Greta* *is taking about ten minutes to read each page*

Wolfram: *slows down and sighs* I wonder where they went.... *looks out the window but doesn't see anyone out there* Hmm. *head/scratch*

Yuuri: *is stupidly assuming that Wolfram will automatically know where they are* *well maybe it isn't so stupid, since Wolfram has a tracking device on him*

Wolfram: *didn't bother bringing the homing device this time* :( Where'd they go? *searchsearch*

Yuuri: *...is still reading?*

Wolfram: *finally finds* D8 I thought you guys would be outside!

Yuuri: *got through maybe three pages* Oh, hi Wolf!

Greta: Wolfram! :DD

Yuuri: We wanted to wait until you were finished...

Wolfram: Well, okay. *shrug* Wanna continue reading, or go out?

Yuuri: *looks at the book in his hands* Uhh... we still have a ways to go before we finish the chapter, so let's just go outside now.

Greta: Yay snow! *jumps off Yuuri's lap and rushes for the door* Let's go get ready! :D

Wolfram: All right! *smile* You know what to put on, Greta?

Greta: :D............No D:

Wolfram: Go see the maids. They'll help you.

Greta: Okay~ *skips off to find them*

Yuuri: *watches her go with a huge stupid smile on his face* *LOVES HIS DAUGHTER SOOOOOO MUCH*

Wolfram: We should go get changed too, Yuuri. *lols at the stupid smile*

Yuuri: Oh! Right, okay! Let's go then.

Wolfram: *grin* All right. *heads to their bedroom* I'll bundle you up real good.

Yuuri: ...Ahaha, I can dress myself!

Wolfram: No. I want to.

Yuuri: o.O Why?

Wolfram: Because. B|

Yuuri: You're weird. :|

Wolfram: So. :|

Yuuri: So... I can dress myself. :|

Wolfram: But I want to do it. :|

Yuuri: .........:| *sighs* Fine, whatever. Are you going to make me dress you, too?

Wolfram: I can dress myself.

Yuuri: *just shakes his head and sighs as he opens the door to their room*

Wolfram: 8] *follows after him*

Yuuri: *sits down on his bed* Well, since you know my wardrobe better than I do, how about you pick out my stuff then.

Wolfram: Well, come watch, then. Because I'm not going to do this everytime. *hands on hips* Consider it a lesson or something.

Yuuri: Yeah, okay. *stands up and follows Wolfram*

Wolfram: *opens the closet door* Now. Which one would you pick normally?

Yuuri: *picks out a blue winter coat that is more fit for a high schooler than a Maou* :D

Wolfram: Eh, I guess that's fine. It's not too cold out. :< Not like a storm, anyway.

Yuuri: Okay. *stands there a little awkwardly* Should I put it on...?

Wolfram: Go ahead. Unless you really do want me to.

Yuuri: *puts it on ALL BY HIMSELF* *is a big boy!*

Wolfram: *goes to his side and pulls out a blue jacket thing* *puts it on* You did it all by yourself. Good job. *chu*

Yuuri: *blushes and flails a little bit* I said I can dress myself! >( *pout*

Wolfram: *kjdeefjn awww* :] You're cute when you pout. *chuuuuu*

Yuuri: *is still a little pouty but kisses back*

Wolfram: Okaaay. Let's go. *slips his hands in his pockets and heads out* Greta should be done by now*

Greta: *comes around the corner* I'm ready! :D *is wearing a CUTE and princessy snowsuit*

Yuuri: sldkjhlsfdh Greta! :D *hugs her*

Wolfram: *sweatdrop* We all ready to go?

Yuuri: Yup! :D

Greta: Let's go play in the snow! :DDD

Wolfram: All right! :DDD *leads them outside Idk*

Greta: :OOO *gasps at all the snow* Wow! Everything's so white!

Wolfram: *nods head* Yeah. Isn't it beautiful?

Greta: Yeah, it really is! :D *kneels down in the snow and picks some up* Hehe, it's cold and wet, too!

Yuuri: *is just kind of watching and wibbling because his daughter is SO CUTE*

Wolfram: You can do all kinds of stuff with it. Like throw it at people and eat it and build things out of it. Just. Don't eat the yellow snow.

Greta: I want to build something! :O Can you help me build something?

Wolfram: Of course. What do you wanna build? *plops down in the snow*

Greta: Umm... I dunno. Yuuri, what should we build?

Yuuri: *is standing there like a fool*

Wolfram: *looks up at Yuuri* :| Why so stiff?

Yuuri: Huh? *snaps out of his spacing... out... ness* Oh! Yeah, uh... *kneels down in the snow* Why don't we build... a bearbee!

Wolfram: ... out of snow? o_O

Yuuri: It could work... I think?

Wolfram: Uh. We can try?

Yuuri: *muses* The wings and stuff might be hard, but... we can at least make it look like a bear?

Wolfram: Hehe... all right. :)

Yuuri: Okay! Greta, let's start making a snowball to make the body!

Greta: Okay! :D .........Uhhh. *DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE A SNOWBALL*

Wolfram: You roll the snow into a ball. x3

Yuuri: Oh yeah, like this, see? *takes Greta's hands and helps her mold some snow into a small ball* Then you roll it around in the snow to make it bigger.

Greta: Ohh, okay! :O *starts rolling it around* Like this?

Wolfram: *nods his head* yes!

Greta: :D I get it now! *continues to roll the snowball, gradually making it bigger*

Yuuri: *sits and watches fondly*

Wolfram: *staaaare* Whats with you?

Yuuri: *blinks and turns to Wolfram* Am I acting strangely?

Wolfram: Heh. No, not really. You're acting a little like mother when she dresses us up in fancy clothing or something. *small laugh*

Yuuri: Uhh... you think? Ahaha. *blushes a bit*

Wolfram: Yeah. *laughs a little more* But it's cute. Don't worry about it.

Yuuri: *pouts* I'm not cute.

Wolfram: Are too.

Yuuri: *pauses, then leans over and kisses Wolf on the cheek* You're cuter.

Wolfram: *reddens slightly* Pff. Wimp.

Yuuri: Hey! ... *grins mischieviously and starts forming a snowball in his hands* Don't call me a wimp. >D

Wolfram: *sees that grin* .......... Oh? *starts forming his own* W~I~M~P

Yuuri: I said-!! *finishes his snowball first!!! and throws it at Wolfram* *kind of completely misses and instead pitches the snowball over the castle walls* ...Oops?

Wolfram: .............. LOL. *dies from laughter* *curls up in the snow* *LAUGHS MORE*

Yuuri: Hey! Wolfram! *frowns and leans over him* You can't just lay down there, you'll get all wet!

Wolfram: *doesn't move* *laughs* Yes, I can. xD

Yuuri: You'll catch a cold though! D:

Wolfram: Aha..ahaa.. I'll be fine. Y-You're such a wimp. xDDDD

Yuuri: :| Don't call me that. *is still leaning over Wolfram*

Wolfram: *looks up at him* *is lying on his back in the snow* *doesn't care that it's cold* It's true though. That was terrible. :3

Yuuri: Obviously I wasn't aiming at you! *is kind of lying*

Greta: *staaaaaaaaares at her daddies*

Wolfram: What were you aiming at, then? A bird or something? *griiiin*

Yuuri: ...Yeah! There was one of those Bad Omen birds flying around and... yeah. :|

Wolfram: .... I don't believe you. xD Wimp.

Yuuri: W-well that's your fault! *pouts*

Wolfram: *blink* It's not my fault that you're terrible at lying.

Yuuri: I'm not terrible at lying. :| *doesn't even try to deny that he was lying*

Wolfram: Yes, you are. *smile*

Yuuri: I-- *suddenly realizes that they're in a somewhat compromising position* ......um. *blushes*

Wolfram: *doesn't get it* Huh? *blink* Whats wrong?

Yuuri: N-nothing! Ahaha! *starts to back off*

Greta: Yuuriiiiii! :D *jumps on his back* Is the snowball big enough? *is being cheeky*

Yuuri: ldskfhjlkfdsjh *manages to catch himself before squashing Wolfram but suddenly finds their faces about an inch apart*

Wolfram: *mentally keysmashes at the outcome of things* W-What the-- *blink* Er. Hi.

Yuuri: ...Hi.

Greta: :3333

Wolfram: Uh. Yeah. *blinks again* So. Comfortable?

Yuuri: N-not really, truthfully. *tries to shift his weight a bit* Greta?

Greta: Yes? :D

Yuuri: Can you get off Daddy's back please?

Greta: Okaaaay. *does so* But look at my snowball! :D

Wolfram: *sits up a bit* That's good, Greta. It's... big.

Yuuri: *sighs as he sits up again and takes the weight off of his arms* Ahh... yeah, looks good, Greta!

Snowball: *is about two feet in diamater idk*

Greta: Yay! :D Now what?

Wolfram: Uh. I don't know. I've never really built things out of snow before. Well... not like this, anyway.

Yuuri: :O Haven't you built a snowman before?

Wolfram: Uh... If I have, it was a long time ago.

Yuuri: Wow... okay! Well! *addressing both Greta AND Wolfram* What you do next is make a smaller snowball for the head!

Wolfram: *nodnod* Yeah, okay! *attempts to roll snow into a ball*

Greta: I'll help you, Wolfram! :D

Wolfram: okay :3

Yuuri: Haha, I'll help too!

Greta: Yay! :D

Wolfram: Heh, okay! :D

Yuuri: *...helps them yey!*

Wolfram: *is helped yey!*

Snowball: *horribly mutated*

Yuuri: ...Ahaha, looks great, guys!

Wolfram: ......... it's terrible.

Yuuri: No, not at all! It's just... creatively shaped.

Greta: ......Umm... *tries remolding the shape a little*

Wolfram: *sweatdrop* It's...yeah. Maybe we should just make snowangels.

Greta: :O What are snow angels?

Yuuri: ...Mazoku actually make snow angels? *is surprised*

Wolfram: What? We're not stupid. :| We know how to make them. Kids usually do it, but they're fun for everyone to do, really.

Yuuri: Ahaha... But they're snow angels.

Wolfram: ........... *FACE/PALM*

Yuuri: ............What?

Wolfram: OIjwoijew. You're such a... efijweoif.

Yuuri: What? I'm such a what? *getting a little annoyed*

Greta: *tugs on Yuuri's sleeve* Yuuri, I want to make snow angels!

Yuuri: Just a second, Greta!

Wolfram: *waves his hand* Nothing, nothing. Do you know how to, Greta?

Greta: *shakes her head* Nope. :O

Yuuri: Wolfram, answer me! D:

Wolfram: *ignores* Well, it's really simple. You lay down on your back and kind of flail your arms and legs in the snow. That's about it

Greta: Um... can you show me how?

Yuuri: Wolframmmm!! *pouts*

Wolfram: *ignoreee* Sure! *lays back and makes a snow angel idk* *sits up* See? :D *made a perfect one*

Greta: :OOO Wow, it's so pretty! I'm going to try! *...does so!*

Yuuri: *poutpoutpout*

Wolfram: *looks at Yuuri* *siiigh* >.> *will deal with Yuuri in a minute* Good job! It's really good. :3

Greta: Really? :DDD

Wolfram: Uh huh! Why don't you make some more over there while I talk to Yuuri for a minute? :D

Greta: Okaaaay! :DDD *goes to make more snow angels yey!*

Wolfram: *looks at Yuuri* What? :|

Yuuri: .........:| If you have something to say to me, just say it.

Wolfram: .... :| I don't have anything to say.

Yuuri: ......... *opens his mouth to say something* ... *doesn't know WHAT he wants to say* ......But Wolfram! D:

Wolfram: *sigh* *leans forward and gives Yuuri a BIG smooch on the mouth*

Greta: :OOOO *is watching from a distance*

Yuuri: *pauses* *skjhlsgfjsj bluuuuush*

Wolfram: *pulls away* Stop pouting. :|

Yuuri: *pouts a little bit* I'm not pouting.

Wolfram: ... :| *SMOOCH*

Yuuri: *gives up and returns the kiss*

Wolfram: *Wins!* *pulls away* There. Now no more pouting. :3

Yuuri: Nn... *leans in and kisses Wolfram again*

Wolfram: *kisses back* *closes his eyes and rests his hand on Yuuri's waist*

Yuuri: *wraps his arms around Wolfram and pulls him close*

Wolfram: *snuggles into Yuuri and continues to kiss him, maaaybe a little more deeply ;D*

Greta: *still watching* Hehehe. :D

Wolfram: ... *makes out with Yuuri :D*

Yuuri: *makes out with Wolfram?*

Wolfram: *pulls away* Well. Uh. >.> I wasn't expecting to do that right now.

Yuuri: Oh. *bluuush* Right. Ahaha.

Wolfram: *also a little red* ... where is Greta?

Yuuri: Uhh... *looks around*

Greta: *busies herself with making snow angels before they can see her watching them!*

Wolfram: Oh.. there she is. :3 *look up at the sky* Hey... it looks like a storm is coming in. :O

Yuuri: *also looks up* You're right... I guess that means we have to go inside now, huh? :|

Wolfram: ... We've been out here for an hour and a half. :O

Yuuri: Wow, that long?! Let's go inside then. *stands up and calls over to Greta* Greta! Time to go inside!

Greta: Awww! D:

Wolfram: *also stands up and brushes the snow off of his jacket* It's going to storm. So inside we go!

Greta: *pouty* *takes after her father* *you know which one I'm talking about!*

Yuuri: *goes over to her and holds out his hand* Come on, we'll ask the maids to make us some hot chocolate once we get inside. :)

Greta: Welllllllll... okay! :D *takes Yuuri's hand*

Wolfram: *sweatdrops at the poutyness of his fiance and adopted child* *heads to the castle*

Yuuri and Greta: *follow!*

Wolfram: *inside yay!* Okay, lets go--

Shinou: *comes out of nowhere* :3 Hello, friends.

Yuuri: dlkfjh;slfkj;sljkgsf *grabs Wolfram's hand and runs in the other direction* *promptly slips on the floor*

Wolfram: *slips as well* *Falls* D8

Shinou: *LOL* .... LOL. *walks over* :3 Hello, friends.


Shinou: DDDD8 *slinks back into the shadows*

Wolfram: ;_____; *on the floor*

Yuuri: *stands up and sighs in relief* Good thing that sudden gust of wind came along to save us! *holds out his hand to help Wolfram up*

Dacascos: *IS IGNORED ;___;*

Wolfram: *nods and takes Yuuri's hand* Yeah... *small smile* *stands*

Greta: ...Well, let's go get hot chocolate! :D

Yuuri: Okay! :D

Wolfram: Heh, Okay! :D We should probably take our jackets off first.

Yuuri: Good idea! Staying in wet clothes for too long isn't fun. :| *would know*

Wolfram: *smile* Greta, the maids will help you into some warm clothes. Even though you were wearing your jacket, the clothes underneath probably got wet.

Greta: Okay! :O I'll go find them then! *skips off* *IS CAREFUL NOT TO TRIP LIKE HER FATHER*

Wolfram: At least she was careful. :3 *turns to Yuuri* Same for us, okay?

Yuuri: Heheh, yeah. Let's go. *takes Wolfram's hand and smiles*

Wolfram: *smiles back* ... I wonder where Shinou went.

Yuuri: ...Let's not think about that. Come on. *leads the way to their bedroom!*

Wolfram: *follows yey!*

Snowball: *is forgotten ;_______;*

Conrad: *is forgotten ;_____;*

No one: *cares about Conrad*

Royal Family: *later has hot chocolate* *AND LIVES HAPPILY EVER AFTER*


Silver luvs Gold: ((Obviously "Dacascos" is actually supposed to be spelled "deus ex machina"))

LovelessxXxZero: [xDDD awwwwwwww


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