[OOC] Maou and Daikenja log! :DDD

Dec 17, 2007 00:47

Who: THE SUN AND MOON AND STARS~~~ except not the stars. ie. Yuuri and Murata
When: Iunno. Today or something?
Where: Earth
Why: Because we wanted to log them.
Rating: K for K-Mart 8D
ALSO: It occurred to me near the end of the log that Yuuri actually DOES know Kyo. OOPS. Guess he just forgot.
ALSO: Did Josak see this? I don't know.

Yuuri: *is waiting at his front door for Murata to show up* Dammit, Murata, where are you? :|

Murata: *walks up casually, smile on his face* Hi, Shibuya. Did you sleep well? *yawns in a sleep-satisfied manner* I did. :)

Yuuri: *wonders if there's supposed to be some sort of hidden meaning behind those words* I guess. The same as any night, really. Are you ready to go then?

Murata: Yes! *smiles happily and starts walking* So, you said you wanted to get lingerie for "special occasions," right? My mom said there's a store nearby...

Yuuri: *sdflghj;sdljkgsg* *flails* When did I ever say that?!!

Murata: *winks and taps his fingertip to his lips* I took the hint from your comment threads with him, ahaha. As an interested Geika, after all. *looks thoughtful* He likes pink.

Yuuri: *blushes* *stuffs his hands in his pockets and mumbles incoherently*

Murata: *laughs at him, because what are friends for?* Ooooh, this one has a lot of lace. Do you think Wolfram likes lace? *is speaking FAR more loudly than usual* They even have thong underwear! How exciting. :)

Yuuri: *covers his face with his hands* Murata... *sdlkjfh;slj*

Murata: You're going to walk into someone if you don't uncover your eyes. Besides, you're missing all the nice displays! *drags him into the aforementioned lingerie store* Hmm...do you think he'd really notice if he was giving a women's present? Probably not, right? *holds up sheer gown* This might be more fun to look at when he sneaks into bed with you. *is STILL talking AS LOUDLY AS POSSIBLE*

Yuuri: ... *opens his mouth to say something but no sound comes out* *is COMPLETELY TRAUMATIZED by this point* *already*

Murata: *holds up another gown* This one is Christmassy. *waves it around in the air, then frowns* I doubt I'd ever get Kyo to wear something like this. But it probably wouldn't look good on him anyway. *tosses it back, where it lands on Yuuri's head as he peruses the underwear*

Yuuri: *pulls the gown off his head and blanches as he stares at it* You know... I'd kind of like to get him some normal pajamas.

Murata: I don't think they sell those here. *picks up a cat-themed underwear set* Hmm.... *puts it down as he imagines Kyo strangling him, which would be BAD* Maybe we should try K-Mart instead.

Yuuri: Yes! *might have said that too quickly* That's a great idea, Murata. Let's go there instead.

Murata: Ahaha! Feeling nervous, Shibuya? :) *looks around* We should get some ice cream first. With whipped cream. And syrup... *is starry-eyed and drooling EVER-SO-SLIGHTLY*

Yuuri: *doesn't notice* Isn't it kind of cold for ice cream?

Murata: Winter is the perfect time for it. It's like winter inside your stomach. *turns to Yuuri* It's magical. I promise. :)

Yuuri: Well, okay I guess. *highly doubts that it's MAGICAL though*

Murata: *would be offended to know that* You can pay today. My company is more than worth the price. :) *walks into ice cream shop and orders two scoops with lots of fudge, etc.* Did you want anything?

Yuuri: What?! That's not fair! *shuffles through his wallet anxiously* *actually has plenty of money though because there is a magical place where you can exchange Shin Makoku money for Earth money, natch* *flails around a bit but then orders a plain old single scoop of ice cream*

Murata: Thanks, Shibuya! You're the best Maou ever. *takes a lick of his awesome ice cream* And I'm not just saying that because you're paying. ...Probably. Ahaha.

Yuuri: *grumbles a bit* Thanks, Murata.

Murata: Anytime! *pats him on the back* *turns in direction of K-Mart, licking his ice cream happily* So, have you and Wolfram gotten to third base yet?

Yuuri: ...? Uh, it's been kind of cold to play baseball...

Murata: *blinks* *bursts out laughing* That's too bad, Shibuya. You want to keep up your energy during the coming months - build up your stamina. For all that honeymoon baseball you'll be playing. :)

Yuuri: *pouts* Wha-what? What are you laughing about? And I thought a honeymoon wasn't for playing baseball, but for...... oh. *reddens*

Ice cream: *melts down Yuuri's fingers despite it being plenty cold outside*

Murata: *looks over and notices said ice cream* That's impressive, Shibuya. You're even more perverted than me! Ahaha. *enters K-Mart and looks around* Where did you want to go? Menswear? Or women's? *winks*

Yuuri: *flails* No I'm not! This is your fault, Murata! *doesn't know how it's Murata's fault but figures it probably is*

Murata: Calm down, calm down. I won't tell Wolfram about your unbridled lust for him. *"until later" he adds silently to himself* Besides, I think he'll figure it out for himself when you assail him in his wedding gown.

Yuuri: aldkfhlfkdjhfadh *quickly consumes the rest of his ice cream and pouts* Whatever, let's just go to the men's section.

Murata: Ahaha! I don't know why you're pouting. Wolfram seems like the type to put out right away. *follows Yuuri to the men's section* Are you going to buy him a suit? *holds up some blue, reindeer-patterned socks* These are nice. *is only half-kidding*

Yuuri: *sighs* You're not helping, Murata. *aimlessly browses through some shirts that would probably not fit Wolfram anyway* *really has no idea what to even look for*

Murata: *glances around* *pushes Yuuri towards the women section, near the frilly blouses and yanks a crisp white one from it* Here. Something frilly. :)

Yuuri: ...... *has a sour look on his face and wants to say something but can't deny that Wolfram would look good in it*

Murata: *shakes it at Yuuri* Is that a yes? Or a no? I can't read pouting very well, when it's not Kyo's. :)

Yuuri: *takes the blouse from Murata* ...No. Something else. *puts the blouse back*

Murata: *drags him over to the stuffed animals department* *picks up a fuzzy dolphin* How does Wolfram feel about marine life?

Yuuri: ...Well, he seems to like our dolphins fine. *doesn't look happy at all*

Murata: *picks up a bunny rabbit and presses it stomach to make it squeak* This seems like hours of entertainment. :)

Yuuri: Is that a dog toy?

Murata: *squeezes it again* It might be. Do you think Wolfram would really notice?

Yuuri: You never know with Wolf. *scratches his head and looks around* Jeez... if only he wasn't so vague when it comes to telling me what he wants for Christmas.

Murata: I think he's just playing hard to get. *taps his finger against his lips in thought* Oh, I know! *drags Yuuri once more to the gift-wrapping section and hands him a bow* You can be his present. :)

Yuuri: .........I already told him I'm not giving him myself for Christmas.

Murata: Why not?

Yuuri: ...Because! *waves his hands vaguely* I can't give him myself for Christmas! I belong to myself!

Murata: You can't even loan yourself out for one night?

Yuuri: ??? What would the point of that be?

Murata: To give him a sample. :)

Yuuri: ...A sample of what?

Murata: You know...a taste test! Ahaha, not literally. ...Well. That's really up to you. *smiles innocently* Don't you want him to know what he's getting from this wedding arrangement? Besides, it'll be good practice. :)

Yuuri: ......... *finally gets what Murata is talking about, at least somewhat* *blushes a deep red* I... no! I can't do that! Not... lskdfjhpofad not yet!

Murata: Ahaha! That's a shame. *shrugs and finishes the very last bit of ice cream which hasn't been forgotten to this point AT ALL...* Hmm. I'm a little out of ideas. Unless you want to go back to the lingerie store. *winks and nudges politely* :)

Yuuri: *frowns* Hmm. Like I said before, he needs normal pajamas. Not a nightgown, and not pink, and not frilly.

Murata: How about flannel? *points to men's section* He can pretend he's a carpenter. :)

Yuuri: ...A carpenter?

Murata: Yes! Or a lumberjack. Whatever holds your "interest" more.

Yuuri: ...I really don't get you sometimes, Murata.

Murata: Ahaha! That's because I'm mysterious

Yuuri: *makes a strange face* Whatever. *looks through the pajamas and picks out a pair of green ones* What do you think about these? *conveniently doesn't notice that they're made of SILK*

Murata: Hmm. I think they'll provide very nice friction. :)

Yuuri: ...What does that mean?

Murata: Nothing, nothing. *smiles and feels the silk* Maybe I should get a pair of these... *looks into wallet* :( Maybe next time. So...are you buying those?

Yuuri: I guess so. I mean, it's the best thing I've found so far, so...

Murata: We could always go back for the reindeer-patterned socks... *is SO helpful*

Yuuri: *quickly* No, that's okay. I'll get these. *goes towards the check-out*

Murata: *makes small talk with check-out lady* ...He's getting these for his fiancee. Isn't it romantic? Ahaha.

Yuuri: *pushes Murata away from the check-out counter* Don't say unnecessary things, Murata.

Murata: How is it unnecessary? Tis the season to spread joy...and people's upcoming weddings. It's an old saying in my house. :)

Yuuri: *pouts and takes the bag from the check-out lady* You don't need to spread it so openly with random people.

Murata: You're too closed off, Shibuya. *pokes him in the arm* Loosen up. It'll do your body good. Just like milk! *has craving for more ice cream and is secretly glad he planned ahead and bought some to keep in his freezer at home* *wonders if Kyo knows JUST HOW MUCH of an ice cream freak he truly is...*

Yuuri: ...Whatever, Murata. *pouts some more for good measure*

Murata: *pokes him some more* Ahaha, this is fun. I'll have to try this out with others... *brightens up even more* Hey, let's go to your house! I haven't seen your mom in a while. :)

Yuuri: What? No, that's not... My mom's busy! *turns and heads for his house, depite knowing that Murata will probably just follow him*

Murata: *follows* I need an apron, too. Kyo wants me to bake him something...I think.

Yuuri: *gives up* Fine, you can come to my place :|

Murata: *makes a "v" for victory with his hands* Maybe she'll even show me more family photo albums. I can't get enough of you in pigtails, ahaha.

Yuuri: dkjh;sljgfsfgjs No! I'm going to make sure she WON'T show you those!

Murata: She already gave me a few copies to keep. Kyo thought they were funny. :)

Yuuri: She what?! You WHAT!?! Why did you... sldkfjhladkfjha;dfja I don't even know who that guy is!!!

Murata: He's my grumpy boyfriend. He's very cute, but shy about making out when my mom's home. Maybe I'll invite him to the wedding. He wants to to go Shin Makoku. I think Wolfram will weird him out but, ahaha, that's all the more reason for him to go, don't you think? *smiles maniacally*

Yuuri: ...Whatever! Bring him if you want, it's your call. *is pouting, for a change of pace*

Murata: *hasn't really been listening* On second thought, Wolfram might be a good friend for him. They're both loud and get jealous easily. Except Kyo's cuter. *sticks out his tongue at Yuuri*

Yuuri: ...Hey! Wolfram's ten times cuter than this guy!

Murata: Ahaha! *pats Yuuri consolingly on the head* Wolfram doesn't even come close. :)

Yuuri: Wolfram looks like an angel! *slaps his hands over his mouth as soon as he realizes he's said that out loud* ...If you tell ANYONE I said that...!

Murata: Sorry, what? I had my phone set to "record" for a second there. Did you say something?

Yuuri: You what?! *grasps for Murata's phone* Give me that!

Murata: *shoves phone in pocket* That's personal property, Shibuya. *speeds up his pace and tries to keep his snickering to an unnoticeable minimum* *fails a little at this*

Yuuri: *follows after* You'd better delete that recording, Murata!

Murata: Hmm? What recording? I think we should get you home, Shibuya - you're starting to hallucinate. *prods him in the direction of his house*

Yuuri: I'm... what? Huh? Wait... *IS CONFUSED NOW* Ahh, whatever! *goes up his front walk and opens the door*

Murata: *follows him inside happily* Jennifer! We're home! *walks over and is glomped by Yuuri's mom because he has a way with older women* Shibuya said to ask about his family albums! *wanders off chatting happily with Jennifer while texting Kyo wth "i <3 you" because he's a sap*

Yuuri: I did not say that! *pouts and sulks and unfortunately can't text his boyfriend like Murata :(* *settles for... hiding the pajamas somewhere in his room. lol lame*


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