
Sep 28, 2007 22:34


Okay. lksdhflkjafd;h;jdaflhjaldkfhjladgj Let's try this as a bulleted list.

  • I accidentally got Wolfram grounded. He's not allowed to leave the castle grounds, and Gwendal is making him do this whole list of ridiculous chores. Wolf isn't mad at me for it, though... at least I don't think he is. Not anymore? Um. s;dlfj;halfjhkadjhlkadjfhlsfdj
  • There's something else that goes here.
  • jskhfksdkjsjkfdhda Shinou somehow got himself a physical body and now he's in the castle tormenting people namely me. I want him gone. slkjdfh;aodfhklajdlfhjalkjfdhlkafd Unfortunately I don't think I can force him out of Blood Pledge Castle. Just... don't listen to anything he says. lsdfhlkjdsaf;hjalfdkhjladf;hadflkhafdklhjsf
  • I'm going to try my hand at icon-making. So give me a picture and I'll icon it, I guess. It might take a while though until Shinou goes away sdkfh;lsjkdfl;hjadfsklhsjlfdhf.


akfjlhkfjdhlkadjhadfj, it's hard enough to deal with murata, uh-oh, save me, february, shinou, four months, chaos, wolfram's safe

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