Better late...

Jan 14, 2009 11:45

Heya chickadees.

How's things? Anyway, not that much in news. Been up the coast for a week, cleaned for a week at work for a week now, and then off again to tamworth to stay with Cate.

In Cate news, Silas just got his hearing aids. They're green, and he sounded so much more confident on the phone yesterday, hen he told me that they car was VERY noisy when it started. Makes you wonder what else he's been missing out on all this time.

Oh! And we're getting a puppy! She hasn't got a name yet, but she's a sharpei, and in the "so ugly that she's cute" range of attractiveness. Truthfully, she kinda looks like a hiipo, but we get her in a few weeks, shall do pics of her then.

Back to work!
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