
Nov 05, 2007 12:37

My birthday is nestled right in between the birthdays of my friends Christine and Robin. We three (and ~18 of our friends and loved ones) will be spending Friday evening here.

We'll be cooking and then eating. I just received word that our menu has been confirmed. Our Dîner anniversaire pour trois will be:

French crepes with smoked salmons and herb infused goat cheese
Rosemary corn cakes with lavender butter
Roasted beets salad with arugula, walnuts, and feta
Game hens with marsala, pomegranates, and orange
Hand-rolled gnocchi with saffron-tomato cream sauce
Green beans and red bell peppers with fresh marjoram and almonds
Crème brulee stuffed pears with port sauce

Gorged on food and drink, we will retire to a private room at Seattle's Best Karaoke for however long we can stand it. Chris and I joined Stan!'s birthday party at this same karaoke joint four years ago. It won't be the same without Keith Strohm dedicating Bon Jovi songs to Chris but I'm sure we'll make due.

birthday, food

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