Comedians of Comedy

Oct 03, 2007 23:10

Pramas and I saw this show at the Showbox in Seattle tonight. We don't usually pack the social schedule this full of trips and events but this year there were several things bunched up together: the Subhumans (UK), Talk Like a Pirate Day, Speaker Speaker, Jonathan Coulton, our anniversary (and the Canadian Subhumans), Comedians of Comedy tour.

The comedy tour was at the Showbox and they were not kidding that seating was "extremely limited". We were very near the front of the will-call line and there was not a chance in hell of getting any kind of seat when we entered. Ended up standing for the better part of three hours (if you count the time we waited outside). Everyone milled about and stood in front of the stage for all of the acts. Wow, I'm getting too old for this. The comedy was fun, though headliner Patton Oswalt let himself get sidetracked by some heckler/douchebags in the front row for a little too long at the end and included three or four bits we know well from his album. As freeport_pirate noted after the show, unlike bands where you go and hope they play your favorite songs, hearing the same jokes doesn't carry that same special something. I would have loved more new material with less "pile on the douchebag" there at the end.

As we shuffled out I spotted Sherry Floyd (too far away to converse with) and yet closer to the door I spied and finally introduced myself in person to the extremely gracious and talented charmed_art, uncharacteristically out on a school night. I would have felt positively hip if I weren't nearly falling over from fatigue.

One more day to get everything done I need to get done before the GR Summit. It feels like I've been running all over town for days. Weeks even. Summit starts on Friday, eek! Am falling asleep at the computer so this will have to suffice as an update. Wish me luck getting through the next couple of weeks intact.


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