Summit Day Two

Oct 08, 2006 07:56

We got down to business yesterday and kept pretty much on schedule as we covered the topics on our agenda. We met pretty straight through the day with a break for lunch and a couple of short "take five" breaks to shake things up. With only a couple of days a year to sit down face to face and go over everything under the sun and moon it can sometimes feel like we're only brushing the surface, but I'm very pleased at how much we have been able to cram into a day of work. There will be much follow-up by e-mail after everyone returns home, I have no doubt.

Of course, it was my delight to provide food and company bonding experiences for our Green Ronins as well. Lunch was just a simple spread of various good quality meats and cheeses, bread and crackers, tomatoes, avocados, roasted peppers and other such sandwich fixings. Dinner was at Carmelita, where we enjoyed lovely food that I actually remembered to photograph. I'll post them when I'm not so pressed for time, but suffice to say even the non-vegetarians enjoyed themselves. Finally, it was off to the Can Can.

I briefly thought that all of my months of planning and establishing myself as a "regular" was going to be for naught, when I showed up and found no familiar staff faces. We were told it would be standing room only and (to add insult to injury) I was chided for not making a reservation (when I'd been told that reservations were for dinner only, not for performances). After grumbling and cursing out front while I waited for the second half of the party to arrive, I decided that I was going to try lurking and scowling until seats opened up. It didn't take long. In fact, we lucked out because the bachelorette party left mid-show and we were able to sweep into prime seats for the duration of the performance. And my ego was soothed not too long into the night when both the fellow who performs as Juan Carlos/Vladdie/the Acrobat and (eventually) the owner both recognized me and took good care of my group.

As it turned out, there was no burlesque last night, but there was plenty of entertainment. I may have time to go into detail, but the short version is it worked out better than I'd dared hope, as they had both Ultra and a new fellow (dubbed Sparkle) in addition to Juan Carlos and the ladies so Steve and I weren't left out of the oogling. Pramas getting dragged onto the stage to prance around with the dancers at the end of the night was particularly good fun, from my seat at the table, anyway.

Ooops, must go pick up the lads for breakfast at Cafe Flora! More news as it happens...

summit, can can, food

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