i should be posting pics of hari rayer. but i was looking thro pics and felt like posting them coz i miss seeing these pics. but first, i should put up a rayer pic. my family din even take one on the first day haha i left my cam in hall. din feel like hari rayer anw. so yea. selamat hari rayer.
had to steal from mimy coz like i said i didnt have a cam w me this yr!
and remember rayer a few years back? i wear makeup so my dear friends forced some on me=)
check out that horrible face and that horrible hair! woo. hot stuff i was back then. HAHA.
<3 cousins!
and coz the sis wasnt here this rayer, here she is wahaha. <3 her! i kinda wish she were here so i could bug her for advice. tho her advice is kinda really screwed up. like rohana's and fiona's. i dont know why i even ask(ed)/tell(told) them stuff coz i alrd knew they were gonna give warped advice. hurhur. ultimately just have fun lah hor. ;)
just coz i think the pple i'm related to are very weird but veryyy lovable.
just coz i miss them + sheena and edmond
ahh just coz i miss my jc days sometimes.
just coz i miss travellng and perth and being away and getting highh and doing whatever.
coz i am looking forward to rayering w themmm! study hard babes. we can doweeeeeeeeeeeet.
coz i miss random nights and ronda2ing with khalies and ellia and whoever and i miss the simpang before.
becoz i miss this girl to bits.
k thats everything. hope u guys are having a great rayer and studying hardddd! =)
i should be studying too hehe but damn it lah so malasss..