Dec 15, 2004 21:23
1. Full name: Meghan Marie Rochon
2. Birthday: February 21 '88
3. Location: Ohio
4. Where else have u lived: hudson
5. School/mascot/colors: Madeira/ Mustangs & Amazons/ Blue and Gold
6. Zodiac sign: fish
7. Shoe size: 8
8. Height: 5'5
9. Weight: haha no...
10. Pets: dogs--cookie, moreland, and libby cats--sneeze and tommy
11. Siblings: 3 brothers
12. Eye color: blue
13. Hair color: now...brown
14. Hair lenth: almost to the bum
15. Ever dyed ur hair?: haha ya
16. What color?: blonde, red, brown
17. Grade: junior
18. Are u good in school?: normalish
19. Hobbies: guard, singing, acting, dancing, drawing, painting, sewing...yeah lots
20.Nicknames: mags magsy magsydoll meghan princess meghan marie nab maggie blahblah..
21. What languages do you speak? English, french and some polish
22. Do you play sports? heavy on the no
23. Where were you born? akron
24. Are you a night or a morning person? night for sure
25. Are you ticklish? yes
26. Do you believe in God? at times...i should more than i do
27. Do you have any other screen names?: 7
28. What are they?: stupid ones
29. Do you have braces?: nada
30. Do you have glasses/ contacts?: yes, but i wont get them til i go back to my mommys
!!!!!!getting personal!!!!!!
31. What do you want to be when you grow up? whatever in this crazy world makes me happy
32. What was the worst day of your life? the day i got home from the hospital and my dad called and said my grandpa died
33. What is your most embarrassing story?i dont know, but im sure there are many where i say something stupid and there's uncomfortable silences hahahhah
34. What has been the best day of your life? everyday
35. What comes first in your life?living like i was going to die...taught myself lots in the hospital
36. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? umm not really
37. What are you most scared of?: heights, losing people i love
38. If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them? id put them together so i could have like xray vision
39. <>What do you usually think about before you go to bed? why i can't sleep
40. What do you regret the most?: being judgemental
41. If you could be anything without consequences, what would u be?: rebelious
??????have you ever??????
163. Done drugs? no
164. Eaten an entire box of oreos? no, i can only have like 10 at a time
165. Been dumped? haha in like junior high
166. Had someone be unfaithful to you? yes
167. Watched punky brewster? i have but don't really remember much about it
168. Hiked a mountain?no but i need to
169. Stayed home on saturday night, just because? of course
170. Been in love? no
171. Seen the white house? no
172. Seen the eiffel tower? no
174. Drank alcohol? wine at thanksgiving, yes
175. Smoked marijuana? nope
176. Played monopoly? yes
178. Seen titanic? own it
179. Kissed someone? yes
180. French kissed someone? yes
181. Lost your virginity? no
182. Tried a weight loss program? yessss
183. Jumped on a trampoline? oui
184. Visited another country? canada, eh
185. Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)? but of course
186. Had a bubble bath? ooooh ya
187. Been on a plane? yes
188. Been on a boat? yes
189. Been on a train? yes
190. Been in a car accident? no, i dont recall
191. Ridden an elephant?
192. Made a web page? yeah like those ones in jr high
193. Played with barbies? still do
194. Stayed up all night? yes
195. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? i can't! i have a wata bed
196. Broken a bone? yes, my fingers, and it hurts
197. Called a physchic or sex hotline? no
198. Watched jerry springer? that's how i learned the term "whore"
199. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? yes
200. Been afraid of the dark? very
201. Been in the hospital(not visiting)? yes...:(
202. Had stitches? no
203. Dumped someone and regretted it? no
204. Went out with more than one person at a time? no
205. Lied? yes
206. Been arrested? yes, haha in JUNIOR HIGH...what a reb, for stealing a water bottle k
207. Fallen asleep in class? i can't
208. Used food for something other than to eat? i have no idea
209. Met a celebrity? yes
210. Broken the law? yes...
211. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? yes, but not romantically
212. Hated yourself? yes
213. Been brokenhearted? yes
214. Broken someone’s heart? i hope not
215. Wanted to kill someone? no
216. Fell off a chair? oh im sure
217. Lap danced? no
218. Been in a fist fight? no
219. Been in a cat fight? yes with kristen and emily perazzo in jr high, gah i was different in jr high
235. Do you belive in the horoscopes: completely
236. Do you like your handwriting: when it's pretty
237. If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: i would be santa clause, because i like giving people things and being jolly
238. What superhero would you be: poison ivy
239. Do you have any piercings: just one on each ear
240. Any tattoos: no
242. If not, where and what do you want: on my left shoulder or on the side of my left hip
243. Are you picky: yes
244. What makes you cry: fear, stress, pain, missing my mama, death, the norm
245. What makes you mad: hypocrits, liars, mean people, being unfair
246. What do you think of eminem: i love him sometimes and then i hate him easily
247. Who do you admire: kids who are in the hospital everyday of their life
248. Do you like cartoons: yah
249. Do you believe in the devil: amy frank hjahahhaha
250. What is the one place you have to visit before you die: a 3rd world country, and i'd bring ramen
251. What did you do today: slept til 5 watched the grinch a billion times, ate ice, thought about stuff, wrapped presents, picked out my hot outfit for tomorrow, talked to my mama
255. Do you own a miniskirt: hah no
264. Do you have a magic 8 ball: probably somewhere in my clutter
274. What is your lucky charm: this little smiley face necklace that i lost
276. Do you like little kids:LOVE them
277. Are you talented: i refuse to answer hahaha, i couldnt tell ya
278. If so, how: ya...
279. Ever hugged a tree: probably with emily when we're like high..not really high
what do you think about
285. Abortion: depends
286. Bill clinton: kinda have a crush on him hahaha, im sick
287. Smoking: wish it didn't hurt people
288. Eating disorders: i wish i could talk to every girl who has one, and tell them they're beautiful
289. Rap: i like some of it, i won't lie
293. Summer: ugh, i refuse to wake up early in the summer, it's like a rule
294. Tattoos: i love little tasteful ones
295. Peircing: theyre pretty cool as long as people don't go over board thats just gross
296. Make-up: go crazy
297. Drinking: against harmful
298. Guys: oh lawdy
299. Girls: drama..but love
what do you think when you hear this name:
300. Jennifer: JO
301. Leah: Brow
302. Megan: megHan
304. Christina: Aguilera
305. Angela: erion
306. Courtney: caudill
307. Jeff: haha moore
308. Mike: keighly/huston
309. Nikki: borer
310. Ryan: mecum
311. Lauren: Lo
312. Derek: Zoolander
313. Lisa: marie
314. Kristi: barton, but spelled wrong