Ive been waiting so long to be where Im going.

Apr 30, 2005 23:58

Anyone curious as to why Alicia called it quits? Take a gander at her livejournal, http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=imthesacrifice&mode=full. Dont tell her I sent you, she (among all others) dont know this journal exists, and she doesnt know that Im aware of her journal either. Oh, me.

So anyhoo, Katie had an interesting night yesterday. Before I present the transcript that you may or may not be interested to read, I'll give you a cast of characters.

KATIE (RosieOKate27) - Presenter of the tale, good freind of mine, and hapless moron who finds self in ridiculous and easily avoidable situations.

TYLER (Primitive137) - Myself, annoyed cynic in this conversation with a crappy internet.

SIMONE PHILLIPS - Freind of Katie's; hippie; ditz.

COURTNEY SIMPSON - Spoiled attention seeking brat; complete idiot and horrible to be around when drunk.

RENEE BALOU - Bitchy whore, or whorey bitch. You pick.

BEN BOWDITCH - Supposed nihilist, boyfreind of lauren, ex-freind, complete ass and stupid prick

LAUREN LAMSON - Ex girlfreind, whore, dumbass

ERIC NAIL - Senior that Katie has obsessed over for 3 months and cause of my pain.

Other names are unimportant bit players.

With that out of the way...

RosieOkate27: so anyhoo
RosieOkate27: last night i was hanging out with lauren and we were planing to go over to Maggie
RosieOkate27: Bowermisters house
Primitive137: i dont think thats how its spelt
RosieOkate27: and we get overnight stuff and we walk down to her house
Primitive137: but enough corrections
RosieOkate27: were some of the first people there
RosieOkate27: we were just hanging out with maggie, Renee and Shela
RosieOkate27: people slowly started ariving
RosieOkate27: almost the whole sophomore class shows up
Primitive137: well thats a gross exagerration
RosieOkate27: but no heavy alcohol consumption
RosieOkate27: we were waitig for a beer run
RosieOkate27: there was one window in the house that wasnt covered with a sheet. And the friendly neighbor was peeping in and looking in and stuff. Then she calls Magies mom
RosieOkate27: and so everybody leaves
RosieOkate27: we went up to cliff. Courtney had a good amount to drink and she was driving so i get into her car
RosieOkate27: try to evaluate if she can drive or not
RosieOkate27: mean while i havent had anything
RosieOkate27: courtney refuses to let me drive
RosieOkate27: so everybody dirves up to cliff park
RosieOkate27: while were driving i notice courtney sliring her speack and not driving very well so i make an agreement with her that i would drive after we got to cliff
RosieOkate27: so after everyone talks about what the plan is, we all agree to go to manato frisby field
RosieOkate27: so i drive her nice mercedes with courtney shotgun and simone in the back
RosieOkate27: everyone gets out at the frisby field and we all just hang out trying to figure out what to do for like a half hour
Primitive137: christ
Primitive137: you went to a park to decide which park to go to where you decided what to do next?
RosieOkate27: kind of
Primitive137: laaaaame
RosieOkate27: it gets much better
Primitive137: sorry internet
Primitive137: resend anything you said after it gets better
RosieOkate27: he gets pissed cuz therse like 50 sopomores at his house (who wouldent)
Primitive137: go back
RosieOkate27: so somebody suggests ben wisersso we all caravan up to his house
RosieOkate27: at ben wisers i am just talking to people and mingaling and then i look up and a reallly drunk eric nail looks at me and smiles alot
RosieOkate27: and i say hi
RosieOkate27: he says hi too
RosieOkate27: but he's really drunk
Primitive137: k...
Primitive137: keep going
RosieOkate27: then courtney and simone and renee all come out of this room in the basement and they all drank like 7 shots
RosieOkate27: so now me and erika are the only sober drivers
Primitive137: shots of what out of curiosity?
Primitive137: name and proof
RosieOkate27: i dont even know
RosieOkate27: thats not the point of my story and you just need to be paitent
RosieOkate27: so there drunk
Primitive137: im being patient, i was just being curious about that
RosieOkate27: ok
Primitive137: in fact i dont think the two are even related
Primitive137: so continue
RosieOkate27: so he kicks us all out
RosieOkate27: and before i leave i run back down stairs becuase i really just want to ask eric nail why he never fucking called me
RosieOkate27: but right as i get in front of him i turn around and am like, "fuck it"
RosieOkate27: so i'm driving a bunch of people to cliff again
Primitive137: WHAT THE FUCK
Primitive137: what is wrong with you?
RosieOkate27: lots of things
Primitive137: ive been listening to you obsess over a guy for 3 months, and you get the oppotunity to clear the air and you dont fucking take it?
RosieOkate27: i know i'm pissed at myself too
Primitive137: do you like being in a state of regression?
RosieOkate27: any way
RosieOkate27: once we get to cliff everybody is piss drunk and courtney is like screaming and yelling and dancing and breandon albin was really drunk to
RosieOkate27: so a neigbor comes out and is looking around so i'm freaking out. i sit on top of courtney and pin her down with my arms
RosieOkate27: she still like woboling around and i'm getting kinda pissed
RosieOkate27: about my situation
RosieOkate27: everyone was telling me we should take her up to the top of cliff and have her try and sober up
RosieOkate27: i was like, "she can even walk, and she will fly off the fucking edge"
RosieOkate27: so i put courtney in the car and i turn it on, and start driving, while i'm doing this courtney is yelling and screaming and kicking and flayilng her arms and rolling her head
RosieOkate27: i am freaking out so i pull up next to shela's car and i'm like, "this is fucked up, we need to talk her somewhere."
RosieOkate27: while i'm tlaking to shela, courtney is unlocking the back doors and tryin to run out and puting her head out of the car door and stupid shit
RosieOkate27: and calub comes over and helps me lock her in the back seat
RosieOkate27: we all head up to cannon hill park
RosieOkate27: just trying to find another place to put her for a while, and we herd that there were a couple of our friends there already
RosieOkate27: so courtney and i get out of the car and walk down to this camp fire
RosieOkate27: courtney is making a fool out of herself
RosieOkate27: running around flaying her arms around walking in circles
RosieOkate27: and i'm getting really stressed out. meanwhile Renee and Simone are sitting around the campfire and therse a bunch of seniors there
RosieOkate27: and i feel really bad because i basicly crashed there fun bon fire
RosieOkate27: courtney is yelling and screaming again
RosieOkate27: so i pin her down again
RosieOkate27: threating to take her to her house
RosieOkate27: then Erika comes over and starts yelling at courtney telling her she's making a complete ass out of herself
RosieOkate27: i'm getting pissed because no one is helping me i find out later that the reason renee and simone didnt help me deal with courtney
RosieOkate27: they were trying to hide there being drund
RosieOkate27: k
RosieOkate27: drunk
Primitive137: you chose to correct that?
RosieOkate27: because jordan ore is really against drinkin or something
RosieOkate27: yes
Primitive137: interesting choice
Primitive137: erika drinks?
RosieOkate27: no erika was there
RosieOkate27: they just were making courtney my problem
Primitive137: aw
Primitive137: ah**
RosieOkate27: so i try to take coutney back to the car and she pushes me to the grownd
RosieOkate27: finally a couple of seniors come over to help andthis one really short guy picks up courtney and swings her over his back and starts carring her, but then courtney kicks his back and they both fall over
RosieOkate27: and courtney is still yelling and screaming and having an uncontrolled body movements
RosieOkate27: so i get a good 50 ft from the car and hannah comes over to help me
RosieOkate27: and courtney is taking her pants off because she has to pee
RosieOkate27: so hannah helps me get her pants on and then brandan jones comes over with hannah lyndburg and they are trying to figure out what i was suposed to do
RosieOkate27: and i am soo pissed right now that i'm like, " i'm taking her home." and then Brandon was like, if you do that you will ruin her life. and i was like, fine be that way
RosieOkate27: and a couple of senior were like, "if you take her home then she will learn her lesson"
RosieOkate27: but ultimately, i didnt take her home
RosieOkate27: the courtney starts balling
RosieOkate27: she's crying about how she cuts herself and has to go to counculing and how she hates her life, and she's really depressed
RosieOkate27: i didnt know any of this
RosieOkate27: so we get her up, and try to walk a bit more. then i go to the car to get ther a blanket cuz she's freezing
RosieOkate27: on my way... Ben Bowdach drives throught the park, almost hiting me, and ther going 50, then he swerves and hits a giant rock
RosieOkate27: i'm just like what the fuck!
RosieOkate27: then i get the blanket and get back to the courtney situation
RosieOkate27: and courteny is half ass naked cuz she has to pee, and hannah is over there trying to get her to put her pants on or something
RosieOkate27: and hannah lindburg takes me to the side and is like, i can go get her water or she can use my batheroom, and i start crying
RosieOkate27: cuz i cant figure out what to do
RosieOkate27: and hannah takes me into her house with some of ther guy friends and i'm crying and there like, " we can give you a ride home"
RosieOkate27: cuz i was freaking out cuz i was like, "this isnt my car, i dont have a licence, i dont even like courteny
RosieOkate27: "
RosieOkate27: etc
RosieOkate27: then i go back outside after i calm down a bit
RosieOkate27: then i go back to the courtney situation and shela and hannah and i see that courtney had pooped
RosieOkate27: and peed
RosieOkate27: and her ass was all in it
RosieOkate27: not even joking
RosieOkate27: it was so grose
Primitive137: ahh
Primitive137: dont tell me that
RosieOkate27: this was like 5 ft away from the street in the park
RosieOkate27: she gets her pants on and she's still screaming and yelling and cant walk so we try and drag her to the car, thats when she starts puking right next to the car. i leave courtney with shela cuz i was going to get simone and trying to figure out what i'm going to do
Primitive137: im gonna say it now
RosieOkate27: thats a good question
RosieOkate27: i dont know
RosieOkate27: i could barely think
Primitive137: if anything i work well in these situations
RosieOkate27: any way...
Primitive137: next time
RosieOkate27: i find simone and we get into the car and we get courtney into the car so we can go to seven eleven to get her water
RosieOkate27: so while were driving and were on 14th and Bernard courtey opens the car door and starts puking while im giong like 25, with out a seatbelt on
RosieOkate27: and Simone starts franticly crying and kept screaming "you could have died courtney!!!"
RosieOkate27: and meanwhile i'm calm and tending to courtney while were pulled over
RosieOkate27: and i start yelling at simone like "get your fucking act together she's not dead!"
RosieOkate27: but you must keep in mind that she's drunk
RosieOkate27: and we get to seven eleven
RosieOkate27: and i buy two giant water bottles and start giving them to courtney, and got a couple bags
RosieOkate27: and about now she starts to fall asleep
RosieOkate27: oo ii forgot
RosieOkate27: go back to cannon hill, before the car ride to seven eleven
RosieOkate27: courtney's puking and i look down to the camp fire, and breandan albin is screaming an yelling and throwing stuff into the pond and like, fuck you guys!, i hate this!
RosieOkate27: so i felt likei was in hell
RosieOkate27: and way, back to after seven eleven
RosieOkate27: we drive back to cliff
RosieOkate27: meet up with evertyone and lauren lets us stay at her dads+ girlfriends house not yet closed on thoguht
RosieOkate27: so its illigal for us to be thete
RosieOkate27: there**
RosieOkate27: so we sleep in this basement with ajai, darrick,simone,courtey, renee, shela, erika, hanna
RosieOkate27: and courtney puked on the carpet
RosieOkate27: and me and simone cleaned it up
RosieOkate27: and then courtey snored all night
RosieOkate27: and i went to bed at like 4
RosieOkate27: woke up at seven
RosieOkate27: then we had to get out of the house before the neighbors noticed
RosieOkate27: so we go to sherries
RosieOkate27: no, perkens
RosieOkate27: and courtney pukes in perkens again, while running to the bathroom again
RosieOkate27: by that time i'm like, fuck this all and i go to laruen's dad's girlfriends house with lauren and get a ride home
RosieOkate27: sort of concluding my night
RosieOkate27: that kind of summs it up;
RosieOkate27: and breadan albin puked in shela's car and broke the front seat
RosieOkate27: courtney's car had puke in it too it was sick
RosieOkate27: worst night of my life
Primitive137: sooo glad i quit drinking
Primitive137: next time call me so i can assist you
RosieOkate27: ooo wait, i forgot the best part of the story
RosieOkate27: when courtney woke up in the morning she goes , "i dont remember anything!" i was like are you shitting me?
RosieOkate27: the last thing she rememberd was drinking at ben wisers
Primitive137: why do you still talk to her?
RosieOkate27: i'm not going to anymore

cynic, humor, see how they fly

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