(no subject)

Jul 21, 2003 02:24

I feel the need to catch everyone up on what's been going down, even though hardly anyone reads my livejournal. So it's been quite some time since my last real post, but not much has happened since then. I'll start with Kevin's birthday. I made an all-vegan italian meal, which was very fun. I rarely cook, but when I decide I actually want to make something, I go all out, garnishes and all. It was molto buono. Afterward we went to Structure... I mean, ExpressMen... but I'm still broke from going on vacation, so I didn't by anything.

- Aside - I was looking forward to going back to work and making some money, so that I can rebuild my checking account from it's current status at zero. Unfortunately, business at work has been MAJORLY slow, and I haven't made any cash. It totally sucks to be poor again. I owe some people money, so I'm afraid I'll have to be a loser and ask my mom for help. I know she will help me out, but I still feel bad for asking... *sigh*... - End Aside -

After ExpressMen, we went to Steak 'n Shake, where I had a fabulous rootbeer float. Thus ends Friday night.

Saturday morning came, much as expected, far too early. I had to work, and again, made no money. On saturday night the frenchman made dinner for some people, including myself and Kevin. There was chicken, corn, potatoes, melon, bread, and of course, wine. I then proceeded to watch two movies, Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss and Drop Dead Gorgeous. Fun was had by all.

Today was no more exciting. I slept in, hung out with Kevin, ate linner (lunch/dinner), then went to work, where, dare I say it again, I made no money. Students... come back to Champaign and patronize my place of employment!!!! After work I took this picture of the sunset.

- Aside - I've really been getting into photography lately. Most of my photos are on my website www.students.uiuc.edu/~nddavis . Check them out. I'm really interested in becoming a better photographer. I think I shall take an intro to photography class sometime. I'm totally jealous of people who have nice photography equipment. I mean, my digital camera certainly isn't cheap ( $500 ) but there are MUCH better models out there. Until I can save up enough money to afford the camera I want ( $1100 ) I'll have to deal. - End Aside -

Kara and I took an evening swim, which was quite refreshing. I also tried to take some pictures at the pool, but night-photography is not my camera's strong point, so it was a failure. I watched yet another movie with Kevin, Kara and Sarah. Go. It was good.

That brings me to the end of my update. Currently I am sitting here pondering how I am ever going to get out of my economic slump. Perhaps I'll go whore myself out on the street. That sounds like fun! Or not.

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