Jul 02, 2007 01:24
I go through these phases where I just want to get out and leave Michigan, and then I remind myself the few reasons I like it here. With that said, I've been looking at Gettysburg as the college that I go to next. If you think about it, it's perfect for my major. It's close to Washington, and it's in freaking GETTYSBURG. History is my minor, so obviously that location has it's advantage. Although there is the whole issue of where I would live, jobs, stuff like that. But you should check it out.
May start looking for a third job this week. Not totally sure about that.
So I've got a wierd question. Why do some people get all the luck and fortune in the world and then others just crap? It's horrible. I don't get it at all. Some of the most deserving people don't get a break in life and then the others that are the worst people ever get everything they need just handed to them.
Anyways, goodnight!