Mar 17, 2005 11:08
last night was ultimate wow. started off with the wrong f-ing directions- THANKS ALEX - he told us to go down mopac to 360 and get off at 2222. so we're going and we're going..and alex keeps calling us and brandis dad keeps calling us, both of them screaming different directions! we call alex back and tell him we're by barton creek mall. "what the fuck? why are you all the way down there?!?!" DAMNIT. flip a u-ie and head back to capital of texas highway and take the original way we were supposed to f-ing go. its already 9:30 and the gates to the little park thing close at 10, however the best part was that the gate keeper dude was drinking with them, so no worries :D finally get there, and clint and wacey run up to us - kevin fowler comes on, clints already gone, yet he still manages to twirl me around and tries to two step....hahaha...oh my. there was about 10 people out there, and more just kept coming! i turn around one minute and theres marissa, next minute theres lauren - where did yall come from? haha
well heres the deal : brandi and i got completely over tipsy. worst part? clint was still trying to dance with me, so that wasnt good for the stomach [no sir!] i must admit that i am ashamed for throwing up from f-ing beer. BEER for crying out loud...and yes, it was a total campsite, complete with porta potties - yet the squat-on-tree method was put into play the rest of the night considering the potties were about half a mile across the park!!!! gross : /
lets think about this for a we are about 20-25 teenagers in a campsite, one fire and a limited number of blankets - im surprised i didnt get frostbite dude, it was so unbelievably cold. after i threw up [bleh] i started shivering all over, so clint and brandi took me into the tent to get warm. we all pulled a "without a paddle" move and snuggled up in one big ball. by now i have a shirt underneath my sweater and then my sweatshirt, two pairs of socks on and 7 blankets [to be exact]...we still shivered. all throughout the night we kept waking up from chills or hearing something outside our tent- then out of nowhere, these girls pop in our tent and start screaming "CLINT WAKE UP! THE COPS ARE HERE! WE NEED YOUR TRUCK!!!" ..what the hell? the cops? youre such a liar. shut the fuck up. ; never really did figure out why they wanted our keys?
this morning we wake up to muhammed turning the truck on. off. on. off. hahaha he had buried himself in the truck with a sleeping bag and decided to use the heater hahaha smart guy. smart guy :D
OH so..its about..6:30 am? and we keep hearing these people talking. so we yell out there, SHUT THE FUCK UP. silence...and then more chatter. what is going on dude?? look out and there are these 3, very unattractive, old women right next to our camp. out of the mile stretch of land, they pick a spot no less than 20 feet next to ours???? WHATRE YOU THINKING?!! jason, alex and clint walk over to them and inform them that theres gona be about 35 people out there tonight, so they might want to like vacate? lady looks at em..says "what the hell??" and then starts talking about how theyre having a little party thing too : with little kids. haha have fun kiddos. youre gona find it quite hilarious when you see all the drunks peeing on your tents
i still have my two pairs of socks on, my beer explosion jeans [jason put a beer in the fire and it blew up...on me] my three layers of shirts and my bed head hair- excuse me....
p.s. happy st patty's day :)
...i got pinched...fuckers