
Mar 15, 2005 00:24

totally went on a roadtrip with grandma today hahaha the weirdest thing was that im usually pleading for her to speed up, however on these back country roads, MAN she was flying! lol i love it. we went and saw her cousin esther in waco, then to meridian to see this little 98 year old lady who is too cute [even for her age lol]. then of course, my favorite - > came back to clifton to see dodo [real name dorothea] and i must say...she is..my favorite :D this 70 year old woman, who treats you like a complete princess 99.9% of the time, has this class about her, that once she opens that door you get this sense of "im entering into the palace now." i think the reason why i love her so much is that shes so elegant and immaculate, YET unimaginably sarcastic! we were sitting there at her  "dining table" and reminiscing about all the horribly funny times she had in temple [i.e. backing out of her garage with the door still down and running over the neighbors mailbox] and the best line i have ever heard from dodo = "and the funny thing...is that i was entirely sober" then of course, theres her nickname for me thats backwards - > "dollbaby" lol i LOVE it- i absolutely LOVE it. shes fantastic.

yesterday, brandi and i went downtown and totally ran into hunain at leopard lounge - he never told us he worked there OR that his uncle owns that place!!! you f-ing cheater!! do you know how much money she could have saved before this??!?!!?! ahh...amazing.

before our shopping escapade, we went to my great aunt and uncles house in tarrytown for uncle marks 50th birthday- yeah..he uh...put on the birthday hat..and wow. talk about a total DORK hahaha i love you uncle mark!

ooo saturdays SAT's....BLEH!!!! started at 8:15 am...didnt leave that damn classroom until 12:45 pm.

its your turn to prove something to me.
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