Random thoughts

Sep 30, 2011 17:51

1. There are two musicals that I know pretty much all the words to and have since my age was in the single digits: HAIR and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. It occurs to me that this dichotomy is the crux of my personality, the point around which all my internal conflict revolves.

2. It's still weird to me that a lawyer who helped Gran with estate planning should turn out to be one of the coolest people I know. We're total buddies. Now, don't get me wrong - approximately 7.5% of the friends who are likely to be reading this are lawyers, so I know lawyers are cool. I mean, if you divided my friends by profession, lawyers would probably actually be the largest percentage. It's just... you know... you don't expect the person who helps your Gran with the death-prep stuff to be an organic-gardening Browncoat/Whovian knitter with award-winning vegan cupcake skills. (And yes, I did go tally up the lawyers on the friends list in my profile just now to determine the percentage. I'm a stats geek, sue me - or don't sue me! ;-)

3. Tomorrow starts VeganMoFo! I'm excited! It's going to push me to write a whole lot more this month. ('Cause, you know, it's not like I'm doing anything else with my time. *cough*giantcharityproject*cough*)

4. Big weekend TV-wise for me. Finales of Haven and Dr. Who, and iirc, premiere of Dexter. Sweet!

5. Oh, great news! Charlie got his test results today. It's only asthma, not COPD. Also, since he gave up red meat and dairy, his cholesterol and triglycerides have dropped nicely. Max still has some tests pending, but all in all, today's health news was good.

m boys, health, navel-gazing

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