1) chicago is not so lonely anymore.
2) critical mass here is the funnest thing i've ever done in my life. last month there were over a thousand people there. there will be more next week, as the weather will be nicer, and hopefully we will take over lakeshore drive.
3) i'm working through issues of harshly judging other people who make decisions for their lives that are different than mine. i wish some of my other friends would do the same, because it is a very rewarding experience and makes life so much more enjoyable.
4) since coming here, i've seen a) lewis black, b) talib kweli, c) the roots, d) this american life, e) psalm one, f) RJD2, and g) the yes men. RJD2 was here last night. i danced. jedi mind tricks played here, but i had to miss them because it was good friday and i went home.
5) my schedule for next semester is the shit:
sociology (SOCL) 122--race and ethnicity
SOCL370--comparative race relations
SOCL403--history of sociological thought
SOCL206--principles of social research
PSYC101--intro to psychology
UCWR110--freshman writing seminar
there are several things to say about this.
a) SOCL403 is a graduate class, which is extremely exciting. my professor asked me to be in it, because he thought i would get a lot more out of it than the undergraduate theory class. 5,000 pages of marx, durkheim, and weber, here i come! i'm actually really really proud of this--i'll be taking my first graduate class at 19.
b) one of those classes has to go, because there's no way i can take SOCL370 (which is a seminar), a graduate class, plus four other classes. it's probably going to be SOCL206 that gets the axe.
c) i have to take that bullshit UCWR class to graduate! it's a freshman writing class, and there's no way i can get out of it!! i'm going to be taking a graduate class and a freshman writing class at the same time!!
6) i listen to iron and wine every day. he is the shit.
7) i have a crazy story about seeing someone smoking crack on the el.
8) i got in an accident on my bike a month or two ago. i'm okay, and i'm not sure how. i hit the back of a car going around 16 mph or so.
9) life is a confounding thing right now. on a personal level, it's so unbelievably confusing. i've done a lot of stupid shit this semester--things i wish i could take back. but i see them as learning experiences that i need to have, in order to make me more fully human. on a political level, the whole world feels like it's taking a serious turn for the better. people seem to be slowly emerging from the period when, as cornel west put it, "it is fashionable to be indifferent to the suffering of the least of these." i remember that there was a poll on infoshop.org in 2004 during the presidential elections asking people who they would vote for; one of the options was, "bush--four more years of this bullshit, and people will be ready for a revolution in 2008!" although i certainly would have preferred that he had not been elected (although not because i think we wouldn't be faced with 655,000 dead iraqis--john kerry would have carried out the same policies), that question from infoshop seems to have some truth to it. people are beginning to wake up. on an academic level, the shit is about to hit the fan, so to speak. i don't know how i'm going to make it through the next few weeks. actually, yes i do--coffee and clif bars.
10) i know a lot of you think i'm a nerd (actually, most of you have much stronger words) for being in college, and talking about it a lot, and loving it, and planning to stay in school until i'm almost 30 to get a Ph.D., and honestly, i think it's good that you all feel that way. y'all's opinions bring me back down to earth--it's easy to stat floating into the stratosphere when you're in college, because it's such an insulated environment. so bring on the college boy insults!
i'm coming home on may 9th, and leaving on may 22nd for washington. y'all should holla.