Jan 18, 2005 20:04
So I was on this site that had all these "you know you're from here when" things on it and I decided to make some of my own.
You Know You Go To the Harmony Baptist Youth Group When:
1. You've been hugged my Dave Zirilli
2. You know that Mike and Kate Hopper are the coolest people ever, probably the only cool people you know.
3. You know what Dar is inevitably going to freak out before every retreat or trip.
4. You know who Nort and Marf are.
5. You know that Laura Carrot is not merely a Veggie Tales character.
6. You're pretty sure Matt Notaro like other guys, you've seen lot's of girls hanging on him, but the attention he pays Matt Perry makes it pretty clear.
7. You have either said "AUGH I'm gonna punch you in your facehole!" or you hate that saying with a passion.
8. Dave has talked you into talking to him.
9. You have definitely gotten a purity speech.
10. Leland has made you laugh uncomfortably at least once.
You Know You Go To Valley Central When:
1. You have been injured simply trying to get from class to class.
2. You've skipped a 5-8th period class and had lunch with your friends.
3. You take whichever locker you want at the beginning of the year.
4. You know about the Crazy White Boys and the True Crazy "Thugs" and somehow you just aren't quite scared.
5. You know that Mooney is the devil and that Lee will never actually make you do work.
6. You know that McMahon definitely smokes up.
7. You know that homecoming and prom are probably the two lamest events ever but you will most likely go at least once.
8. You've failed a quarter of math.
9. You know what mat ball is.
10. You've played kingpin.
I realize these cannot apply to everyone so I don't need all the uber lame comments like, "I go to valley central and I've never heard of mrs mcmahon."