roomie probably gonna be mad at me...

Apr 25, 2012 18:29

but I don't care. She and I tried to make it work and it did... for about 5 months. Then we were either arguing or avoiding each other for over a year before she started "staying at the boyfriend's" every single day. That was almost 2 years ago.

I'm tired of the apartment we have and I'm through putting up with it while she keeps on being indecisive about her relationship. She says that until she's married she refuses to give up her own place. That's cool, more power to her. But two things...

1: she has only spent one night here in almost 2 years and has set foot in the place a handful of times

2: that's HER way of thinking, not MINE.

I don't have to stay in the apartment if I hate it here and I find a place I like. Which I might soon.

Last fall we got into over a misunderstanding and she admitted she had started looking at apartments. Well, an opportunity might be coming up for me to get a bigger place that will cost me a little more overall but might be better for me in the long run. I don't think it's bad of me to look for another place if I can afford it and want to move. Unlike her, I've been pretty good about my money as of late (I have 2 paychecks worth in the bank and I NEVER have that much!) and the person I'm talking to about getting a place with agrees that we need to sit down and discuss it before we write checks/sign leases AND isn't offended that I insisted on a "room mate agreement" between us.

I know it will be an adjustment with a new roomie, hell, it was with the current roomie!! I went from no roomie to one that though I love her dearly I can't stand living with her to having a roomie in name only. I'm not expecting the new roomie (aka J-girl) to be perfect and I know there will be some issues we'll need to work on as they come up but I want to do this.

Yes, my current roomie (I shall dub her BFF) will be pissed that I didn't come to her first. In fact, I recall how about 6 months after moving in here (month to month leases) a good friend wanted me to move out of state with her and we discussed it at length before I said anything to my BFF. At that time it was just an idea that would be reviewed when I finished school (about 6 months later). BFF got upset and started moaning about how she couldn't afford to live by herself and if I leave how I should keep putting money towards the rent for a few months.

Um... no.

Sure, this time it's happening a lot faster. As in J-girl and I started talking this week and we're going to look at a house (she already saw it and said it's nice and got the $ details, ie, cat, utilities, deposit) to see if we like it. If we BOTH like it, we will fill out the application (and the land lady already knows J-girl and likes her so that puts us in a better position), sign the lease/write the checks and start moving ASAP.

I know that seems harsh to BFF but I decided when I first started seriously considering moving that I would not contest her for the deposit we paid (as she claims she alone paid it, though as I paid 2 months' rent later on because she was broke...) and I would put in enough money to cover 2 months more so she doesn't have to rush that much. And I'm really only willing to do that much because we have been friends for over a decade.


Not to mention that it will probably take me a few weeks to get my stuff moved (and book cases put up... is 300+ books & 100+ manga really too much? lol) as well as make sure the place is in the condition it was in when we moved in.

If she plans on keeping the place or not after I move I'm still sending the manager a dated letter telling her that my name will be removed from the lease on such-and-such day. I won't be held responsible if BFF can't pay after I'm gone.

I just hope that this isn't the thing that finally breaks us but if it is...

What's broken can always be fixed.

venting, room mates, personal drama, friends, moving

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