(no subject)

Apr 03, 2007 22:07

ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ladies and Gents.............your good friend marcus anthony is appearing once again on livejournal............i know i know...........it is a rare feat...............but i am in a mood to sit here and preach........and get awnsers.

first of i want awnsers.....
(everyone awnser after i ask the question please....dont make me get the principle in here)

Favorite singer and why?

favorite keyboard or piano solo in rock music?

favorite mowtown artist?

black ceaser, shaft, or dolemite, the mack, bill cosby?

pepsi or coke?

and i guess we will end off with a lvl 10 paladin or lvl5 dragon lancer?

now for some preachin.................life has been stressin me out like crap lately.....boy ohhh boy........am i ever worn out..

Women.....where you at..........i need some........

in sports news congradulations to florida for winning the championship game two years in a row and the football championship as well

back to reality.......

i hate pc games......... i mean......alot of them look fun like rts (real time strategy) ......but i hate fucking installing shit.........why cant pc be like a nintendo
put in the fucking game and play.............gaaaaahhhhhhh

member of the NRA.....not a bad idea

im getting tired of (and no emily dunlap this has absodamnlutely nothing to do with you) girls trying to look like boys....i mean......come on..........what would that say about the guy you are dating......he likes to date girls that look like guys.....dude......thats sick............and i mean
the classic beauty......i mean.......no man doesnt not miss/love that......i know i do...mmmm

marie and jesse.........i think not..........::BELCH::

Battlestar Galactica season 3 come out......soon........on dvd........please......

ohh and to end off the night of fun, it is time to send in billy the spainish pool boy to show us a dance of his native land...............dance billy dance

hes doing the best he can
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