Hardcore Halloween was freakin' amazing. Despite Ron's terrible sickness, he got to go. Rally The Fray is one of my new favorite local bands, for one. They're awesome, I don't even know. If I would have had more than 4 dollars, I would have bought their CD. And Maris The Great... dear god, hahahahaha.
I love shows. Damn it.
Unfortunatly, I hate this trendy bullcrap. Everyone thinks their straightedge. There's a hierarchy of moshers. I had to listen to a bunch of assholes bitch about how little they got to dance because everyone played covers. You have to get: IT'S A HALLOWEEN SHOW. Bands dressed up and did covers based around their costumes (I'm not sure if the Misfits or the German buttrock band was better). And, I hate how people go to shows to dance wearing that stupid DRUG FREE hoodie, everyone has that stupid thing. We get it, you don't do drugs. You edge. Edge til 21, I'm guessing.
Ron and I had a really awesome coversation about this. He's so smart. I love that boy, I can talk to him about anything.
Yeah, so basically, fuck the hardcore scene. I'm sick of people telling me brocore is what hardcore originally sounded like. I hate how hardcore kids hate punks. You wouldn't exist without punks, dumbass.
And, even though this has nothing to do with anything, I hate girl pants. I hate girly boys. I want men, damn it. Girls get bored with you girly fucktards eventually. Damn it.
I looked pretty god damn awesome.
Ron's stupid picture:
Ron and I are going to Hawthorne Heights. =P
Seriously though, we're going.