So. I've been contemplating getting a new tattoo. But where? Where I ask?! I have a few little tattoo quirks.... I like them to be somewhat hidden. In fun places. No small of back tattoos. No arm. No stomach or leg. Maybe foot? Don't know. I have one ON the back of my right ear. And another behind my left ear. I want two new tattoos. I want the A Perfect Circle symbol (
as seen here). It's killing me! Maybe on my left ear? But my tattoo girl (yeah, I have one, the only one I trust) didn't really like doing it on my right ear. Thus the left ear probably won't be that fun to her. Plus, I've already done that. Not too sure I'm bout all that. It would be like having sleeves.
I also don't want to have it look like crap when I get older. Like girls who get them on their stomachs and have babies. Because then they get all gross. I like old navy men tattoos. They have so much character and the wrinkles make them better. But I'm not a navy man. Soooooo.
Yeah. The other one I want is a fairy. I don't know what the fairy would look like. I'd have to look around and get an idea of what I want. That one would be so much harder to put in a fun spot. Sigh. I'll get some temporary tattoos and call it a day.