So..I'm bored. Summer has begun a week ago (summer I mean break from school, since summer solstice was two days ago /nerd). Monday, I received 'Skins the Novel' in the mail. I've been busy doing chores, work, tidying up the apartment for my dad's arrival, that I didn't finish the book until two hours ago. Naomily is PURE LOVE. Lily Loveless is gorgeous (loved her acting on the Series 4 finale). Kathryn Prescott is an amazing actress (she and her sister are beautiful).
Moving on with books, maybe Ayn Rand's 'The Fountainhead' is next on the list. I've been trying to read it for a year and a half now, it's just a fucking long book! I just need to cut down my computer time so I could actually finish it, and hopefully one more book, over the summer before Uni starts.
And I'm planning to come out to my dad during the Pride Parade (my whole family's going, dunno about my brother though). I hope he'll get the message without me bothering to come up with a 'speech.' Speaking of my dad, he's on the plane as I type.
As much as work bores me out for the past few months, I keep on looking forward to afternoon shifts (3-11pm or 1-9pm). Mainly because around 6-8pm, this regular customer whom I've a crush on comes in to buy her tea. My body literally flushes when she comes in; it's evident on my face too--not only it burns up, it also has this ridiculous smile plastered on it. It's okay, I suppose, because she doesn't really look up when she orders. She's always on her BlackBerry BBM-ing her equally pretty fingers away with her adorable smile that just lights up her whole face. (Yes, I've been staring *hides*). I've never felt this way since I was a kid! It's wonderful to feel it again :">
Anyway, time to sleep. I have to be early tomorrow for our Grad Rehearsal. When I say early, I mean 9am early. Yes, I'm not a morning person.
[Photo of sunset seen on Lakeshore Blvd West, Toronto, Canada. On our way home from downtown. Not so good phone photo quality]
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