Jul 12, 2005 03:08
its almost 3 o clock in the morning and all i want to do is sleep but i cant because in my own damned house i have nowhere to go.... i was out on the couch when monica came in and started watching TV very loudly with the lights on and i went to go in my room when i couldnt take it anymore and im in the process of cleaning with shit all over my bed since i dont sleep in here anyway due to the lack of air conditioning and im sitting here hot as anything but i have nowhere else to go and sit.... and i've been crying for the past like hour cuz i have such a busy day tomorrow which includes school 730 to 10 then work 10 to 3 then band 5 30 to 8 30 and with all of those things just having one in one day you need a good nights sleep and with all 3 of them im gonna end up dying tomorrow and i have no one to talk to to help me calm down cuz its sooo late and everyone is sleeping... i dont know what to do... i swear god goes hey lets see how much erica can take today before she breaks... well thats it i broke... i've been happy for about a month and i finally broke... it was bound to happen happiness doesnt stay with erica very long when one thing good happens something bad happens like my sister kicking me out of a place to sleep yeah thats always nice... so now i get to just sit in my room and cry until its time for me to go to school today cuz i dont see what else i would be doing considering i have nowhere to sleep