Jul 09, 2008 17:03
A pigeon, actually, so it's up to you whether you classify that as a bird or a rodent. ;) In either case, there was just a little bump as it went under the tire, but a quite impressive spew of feathers out the back. Poor bird, though, what were you thinking, landing on the roadway just as my car was approaching?
I've knit up a total of about 8 inches on the new sweater. (I've got to come up with some sort of name for it and others, because half the sweaters I'm doing or have planned seem to be purple and green...) Anyhow, once I hit 10 inches, I'm changing the colors and patterns, so it'll add something new to the knitting there.
I've also, even though I told myself I wouldn't cast on again until I was almost done with the above sweater, cast on for Reil's sweater. It's just going to be a simple single color sweater with a simple knitting pattern, but I think it will be nice.
The next door neighbor kid is over at our house right now. Amazingly enough, all three kids are getting along. They're playing War with the new decks of cards I just bought. I think I'm going to have to start remembering all of the card games we used to play as kids, since J and M are definitely old enough to learn most of those. Crazy 8s? Kings in the corner? all that sort of stuff.
Last night, we taught them how to play Ligretto, which is a multi player german card game that is sort of like Speed, but on speed. We had a good time.