1. Post a list of seven TV shows you love (current or canceled).
2. Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each show.
3. When guessed, bold the line and write a little bit about why you like that character.
Doctor Who (the new series)2.
Firefly Yup, It's Wash. I loved watching Wash and Zoe, and how, generally, confident Wash was in their relationship, even though she could kill him with her thumb.
Venture Brothers Dr. Girlfriend rocks that little Jackie O. outfit.
Pushing Daisies6.
Arrested Development7.
Dead Like Me I will say, though, that looking through this list, most of the shows are ones where a huge part of the appeal is the cast as a whole, so that picking my one favorite character from the show is difficult. (And I'll note that my favorite characters of a few shows don't necessarily show up on the epguide list.)