well shoot fire and shove a crowbar up my nose! a pensive few posts from the loverly Lauralee./~e
I just went on tirrell-sharp.com Funny stuff, I laughed, especially the employee bios. I laughed. A lot. Now is the time I would
like to just go on LJ and write. I've been thinking a lot lately about life, and love, and just everything in general (ya know, major
issues, like stem-cell research and abortion, and a bunch of other things the government can't seem to make it's mind up about,
like war)
Regarding war; I don't see the point, you kill until one side can't kill anymore. So each side suffers massive losses (and don't get
me started on the effect it has on individual families) and causes extreme economic depression anyway. So, nobody wins
anyway. it makes me upset. President Bush said he would take the troops out of Kosovo and Bosnia. So what is he waiting for?
grrrrrrrrr. In my opinion, Bush is an idiot.
Another thing I have never understood is golf. What kind of sport is it? Hit a ball, make it go into the little hole, and the lower
the score the better? I can't manage the club. Went to a driving range once. Only once. Harry Truman once said "I was never
rich enough to play golf". That guy rocked.
Anyway. I woke up with "Sorry" in my head. Why does that song have to be so damn catchy?
They're talking about Love at First Sight on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. What does everybody think about that? Real, or not?
This is a relatively long entry, but it's in an e-mail, but....
I have a question for everybody who went to elementary school with me. Which of you were in the Wizard of Oz when Francis
did that? I know I was a munchkin (in the lullaby league, I wore a tutu and handed flowers to Dorothy in the beginning). I
haven't been in a play since. Did everybody at Francis see that? Did we end up doing something for the school? I can't believe
I can't remember. Actually, I was looking at the old Francis yearbooks and one of them was dedicated to the cast of the Wizard
of Oz. And there were pictures in the back. On the subject of yearbooks, we all looked so different back in third, fourth, and fifth
grade, it's scary. I mean, sometimes, blackmail scary. (Not any of you guys, I don't think).
Ok, if any of you remember any critical details about elementary school days, please share, although high school is way better
than any elementary thing. Yeah, everybody knows that I left Francis to go to BVA. Probably not the smartest move I ever made,
but hey, it's in the past. yeah...that might have confused a bunch of people, but it's kinda personal, and stuff. Ask me if you're
really interested in knowing why I left Catholic School.
Puff the magic Dragon is stuck in my head. Ha ha. That song rocks in more ways than one. i don't believe that it was meant to
be a drug song. There was a whole Puff movie, did everybody see that on Nickelodeon, I think? Anyway, the same people did
that snowman movie with no words. it used to be a book, and the snowman wore a green scarf. Ele probably knows it.
You know what's cool? Getting free samples. I love 'em. Go into Lindt chocolate at the mall and hang out looking curious, and
most of the time they offer you one. I highly recommend the white chocolate and the (I think) hazelnut. Chocolate is just the
best thing on earth. More chocolate notes, Starbucks has really good hot cocoa. it's that bitter tasting chocolate, from the
actual bean. I love Starbucks. I have stopped boycotting it, even though they abuse their coffee bean workers
whoareonly6and7andgetpaidtheequivalentofadimeaweek. Grrrr. Anyway, I'm successfully boycotting Nike. They don't need my
And I think that is the end. As you can tell, I'm rather bored and very lonely.
Okay, leaving now
love lauren
My friend Kelly has a page at bolt that I like because I like one of the poems she wrote. here is the link, the poem I like is the
second one down. (I like the whole site, but the poem, in my opinion is quite good.
http://dramakm.boltpages.com/kell410page/id4.html Ok guys. Actually, kelly is one of the coolest people I know because she is just so different from anyone else I know. (she also
sees Jon more often than I, and I am insanely jealous, well, it seems like she sees him more, and it doesn't take much to make
me jealous). everybody thank ele for this entry and probably a bunch more in more evenly spaced intervals. Yeah, I wish I could
actually do this from my house. yeah.