Here I am in Texas

Jul 29, 2001 21:11

I have a question for everybody; whose house can I live at until school starts? c'mon, any takers? Oh wait, "why", you ask? How much time can you spend with YOUR family? I am going slowly insane. Here are some valid reasons;
1) my mother thinks I'm antisocial, yet doesn't think it's a big thing when I am insulted by my cousins constantly.
2) my parents are taking a week to get back to RI from here to see a bunch of baseball games and monuments and stuff
3) I have now been one week with people who say "y'all" in every sentence.
4) I am in the bitchiest mood ever, all the time. I'm a different person.
5) Jon ('nuff said)
6) the rest of my home gang that keeps me sane (ele, becks, sarah, laura, etc.)
7) It's so frickinn' hot here I feel like I am having hot flashes every time I step outside the freakin' house.
ok, this is making me upset. I should go now.
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