Jul 26, 2005 10:06
Well, it looks like I won't have to look so far for a house! Mr. Touya, a professional Go player, said that he would be interested in being roommates. We're meeting on Thursday, and I hope he's nice. Now, I'll I have to do is find a job. I guess I could sell the car I've been living in just for start up money, but then I'd have to pay train and bus fairs.
For jobs, I could either start a delivery service or I could make poisons and perfumes. I don't know which would pay worse! The delivery service is unreliable, and I don't know if I could sell enough perfume. Maybe, I could do a bit of both. If I go into delivery again, then I'm going to need poisons. While I'm making poisons I could bang out a copple batches of perfume. If that Ferrio person is willing to sell my stuff in his shop, then I wouldn't have to worry about that either! I'll talk to him on Thursday I guess, when I meet Miss. Touya.
Mokuba is still sulking about his chess match...I think... Then again, if I did as badly as he did I would be too.
I feel like an idot telling everyone about my brother and that snake! Now, I'm going to have that hanging over my head. I don't want people to be nice to me just because I have no family. In fact, it's better this way - I don't have anything to tie me down to any one spot.
I think Mr. Kiba is worried about something, or someone. I think I heard something about mushrooms, but that could have been anything. I wonder if he needs a deliver-er. Most likely he doesn't, but, I do need a job.