OOC Note & Essay.

Sep 03, 2005 17:24

To all members,
I aplogize for not posting this notice in the correct community, but it is more effective to make only one post. Please forgive my error.
I aplogize again, but I need to take some time off for a few weeks. Considering, this will not effect many players, but please e-mail me if there are any problems.

Kudo Himiko
Peirod 3 Geometry
Due: 05 Septenber 2005
Assignment: Write a 200+ word essay, describing a fundamental experience that you have had with mathematics.
Cc: E-mail

My frist fundamental experience with mathematics was with money. As the only female in my household, it was my job to do the shopping from a very young age. My brother and his friend taught me, using stones, how to add, subtract, and count. Subtracking was the most important because one needed to know how much money was left after a purchace. Buggeting and algbra were also in these lessons, if not by that termonology.
Later, I learned more algbra in order to make poisons and medacations. I learned how to slove equations and simplify expressions in order to complete that aim. Geometry was inportant in the exacution of these chemicals, due to the fact that a vile had to be held at certin angles for verious affects.
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