Sep 10, 2004 17:02
It was a good day.
It was a beautiful day.
I love you all... No really...I do. My lovely companions! I wish to give you all hugs and kisses!
I miss people too! I love you miss-ed people as well.
I had an epiphany at SB's today. I am Scorpio. Scorpios are always misunderstood. I have this huge fear that people misunderstand me ALL the time. Especially in You people mean the most to me (including you people from last year who arent in it this year) I really hope those times that I am goofing around and being idiot, or I say something that makes perfect sense to me but confuses others, or whenI am being obnoxiously loud... that you dont misunderstand me. I am so afraid of that. I can be loud, and I can be a hyper bitch-ass (as Jorge would say) but I would never want you to misunderstand me. I love ye all.
Help me get over being paranoid.
Taylor - I am glad we get to endure this together
Jorge - You're not 300 lbs, you're not ugly. You ARE mexican, you ARE crazy-insane, you ARE a slut, but most importantly you're my best friend.
William - I miss thou! I have a funny story for you oneday when we are in nugget. remind me then.