Remember the bracket joke?

Jul 26, 2006 14:12

Went through sub orientation yesterday. I love watching their videos of "what if" scenarios showing how to deal with troubled kids. Yet the worst on those videos is usually a kid who doesn't want to do his work, and when confronted with it, calmly explains that he'd rather read a book quietly. I'd KILL for a class full of them! Ah, it's so funny how every job orientation video is [childofanunmarriedcouple]-ized in such a manner. In less than two weeks, I can start subbing again, provided that my transcript gets to them by then. I sent out the requests like a week and a half ago... in the meantime it's really difficult not to quit my current job. I'm holding in though, since even though I have enough money for this month's rent and half of next month's already, every little bit helps. Still, I have to close tonight and bust my [donkey] the last hour and a half cleaning while there's no deliveries and therefore no tips coming in for a measly [lovemaking] minimum wage income. I hate closing.

And now for a rant, brought to you by the [fecal matter-esque] condition of my car, but built up over years of driving those huge inefficient pieces of dog [waste].

I hate cars. I really do. I hate them with such a firey passion, that I have on more than one occasion beaten several dents into my own in frustration. I hate how they're all superflously huge and take up more room on the road than is necessary. I hate how they require so much gasoline for how far they go, a ton of maintenence, new parts every now and then, chemicals out the wazoo that need to be balanced, and more effort to maintain than most human necessities. I hate how everyone is judged by their car, and it is some sort of a social status to have a bigger, more inefficient, faster (though where on the American highways can you ACTUALLY drive that 200mph max you're paying for?!) and louder cars than anyone else. I hate traffic so much I could write a seven page essay on it (or at least three with footnotes). I hate that the implimentation of cars in American society has spread out cities and communities further and further so that the average person has to drive a half hour or more just to get to work. I hate that cars are part of what has made us the fattest nation on Earth just because we're too lazy to walk three blocks so we'll take the Suburban to get there. I hate that cars have crippled America's independence from the mid-east to where we have to dance and cry as the gas rates jump up to three or four dollars a gallon. I hate that we all refuse to find a more efficient way to travel, using an archaic model of transport that has essentially been around for seventy five years with only minimal improvements. You wouldn't use a computer model from 1932, would you, no matter how many "upgrades" have occurred? I hate that cars are yet another implimentation that is destroying our enviornment while we sit around and this [condemned to hades] heat gets worse and worse. I hate the way cars look. I hate the way they shake when the guy next to you has the bass turned even higher than he needs to hear, just to show off that his stereo can get so loud...we get it, already, you like Chamillionaire! I hate that it's usually four teenage white kids cranking "Riding Dirty" in their mom's SUV that does the shaking next to you. Most of all, though, I hate that our society has evolved to the point where I need one.

I miss my scooter...and had I thought more, I'd probably have bought a new one instead of my computer, which although I love, I hate my car so much more. So you can guess what my money is being saved for now. Computer - check. Scooter, saving up. New place to live that allows pets, soon enough. New ferret - absolute last. That is my selfishness list.
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